Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going great so far. Just wanted to share this quote with you all. I know all to well about what this quote is saying. If my day was going good I was in a good mood but if it was going bad I was in a bad mood. I am learning that no matter what happens good or bad, my attitude is what makes all the difference. Whatever the day may bring it can not mirror our attitude for the day. Is this an easy task, for some it may be while for others its not. That's why its so important for us to get before God and prayer before we head out the door for the day. I admit I've fallen off by doing this everyday like I was before but I understand I have to commit myself and make the time for him from a genuine place. I don't want to pray or read my devotionals just to rush through them. I know he knows what I'm feeling or what I'm dealing with but he wants to hear from me and spend time with him. And yes at times, I do feel that I have trouble with verbally expressing myself through pray to him but I let it all out anyway. We can't let what the day brings or what others say or day affect us to having a bad attitude. We have to seek God in all we do and speak to him throughout the day. Because he is always with us wherever we go and is always listening to us we just have to make the first move and speak.

Be Blessed


Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Resurrection Sunday

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Resurrection Sunday Everyone!!! Let's thank God for allowing us to see another day. Le'ts thank God for this new day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Let's thank God for all that he has done for us and all that he continues to do for us. Let's remember what this day is truly about for the God we serve has risen! Let's remember the sacrifice that he made for all of us by dying on the cross. Let's be thankful and grateful for the blood that was shed for our protection. Let's never forget what he did for us. He laid down his life you and me so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. He was talked about, ridiculed, stoned, beaten, and nailed to the cross with a thorn crown on his head. Even after all that he went through he still showed love to those who persecuted him and judged him and mocked him. He shows love to all of his children and only wants the best for each and everyone of us. He remains faithful when we are faithless, he still holds us up by our right hand, he still showers us with blessings by his grace and mercy. His love is pure and unconditional, he sees the best within us and knows what we can become if only we trust and follow him. I continue to ask that I never forget what he did for me by dying on the cross. I never want to become complacent in where I am but learn in how to be content with where he has me. I pray that as continue to grow in my walk I become more like him. I want to be molded and shaped into the woman he knows I can be. I know that I will make mistakes but with each mistake I pray that I learn from it and take the lesson and continue to walk along side him carrying my cross. This journey is not easy but he said it would be worth it. I pray that you all have a blessed day and a wonderful week. Reflect on what this day means to you and what you want God to help you with.

Be Blessed


Saturday, April 4, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well!!! Hope you all are having a great weekend. Wanted to share this with you all!!! Know who you are in Christ and whose you are!!! I am not perfect but HE loves me for who I am and sees the best within me!!

Be Blessed


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Welcome April

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going great so far. It is Wednesday and its the first day of the fourth month of the year. Let's thank God for allowing us to see another day. Let's thank God for all that he has done for us and all that he continues to do. Let's thank God for always making a way for us no matter how dim the light may be regarding whatever circumstances we are currently going through. Let's just thank God for who he is and how much he means to us! I hope you all continue to work towards your goals that you have set out for yourselves to accomplish. Continue to make and set small/short-term goals that will help you achieve those long-term goals. Continue to be the best person that God has called you to be. We all make mistakes in life but we are not those mistakes that we made. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. What matters is what God says about us. Continue to seek God first and talk to him and tell him how you feel. I am constantly growing in my walk with him. I pray that I continue to be align within his will for my life and that I make him proud. Granted, that I will stumble along the way but knowing that he is with me every step of the way is what comforting to me. I hope you all have a great rest of the week!!!

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 29, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well on this last weekend of the month of March. I hope that you all are still working towards whatever goals that you have set out for yourselves. If something didn't happen within this month don't stress or worry over it because you can continue working towards those goals as the months progress on. Just wanted to share this quote with you all as we close out the month of March and head into the fourth month of the year. Growth and change are probably the most difficult and painful things that we will go through in our lives. We all have our comfort zones or our safe place where we feel secure and comfortable. But if we stay there we will never get the chance or opportunity to experience something new or different. Nothing happens if ones stays in their comfort zones. So I not only challenge myself but you all as well to do something out of your comfort zone. Take a chance to do something out of the ordinary and if you don't like it its okay at least you gave it a try. So I hope you all have a blessed and productive week.

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well. We are entering into final weeks of the month!! This month has seemed to flown by and before we know it April 1st will be here! Wanted to share this quote with you as we begin for work or school this upcoming week. This journey that we are on is not the easiest. We will have many obstacles and hardships to face within our Christian walk. I can truthfully say that I am constantly growing and learning in my walk with God. It would be so easy just to follow the world and be and do like society says. But that's not what my heart desires, I want to be like Christ and be Christ minded. Everything that we are currently facing is only preparing and equipping us for what God already has in store for us. It is a spiritual warfare out in this world, we are up against different spirits as soon as we walk out that door in the mornings. It is important to get into the Word of God and ask him how to apply what you read to your life. Our journey will take us on different paths but we will end up at where God is leading us towards. We just have to trust him, have faith and cling to hope that everything will be alright in the end even if we don't know how. I hope you all have a great and blessed week, keep God first in all that you do!!

Be Blessed


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. I've always loved this quote and just wanted to share it with you all. This thing called life has many ups and downs, good times and bad times, joys and pains. This thing called life is not a straight and narrow path. This thing called life has many different paths/courses that one will go through that will lead you to your destination. This thing called life will make you question if you will ever make it. This thing called life will have your head spinning and mind racing at 100 miles an hour at times. But with this thing called life there is a man name Jesus, who will wipe the tears away and who will be there to catch you when you stumble or fail. He will be there to hold you by your right hand to guide you or carry you through. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be your friend, healer, comforter, protector, provider. With him you are always on a journey and he will never lead you in the wrong direction. Because he already knows what lies ahead and whatever you are going through is only preparing you for whatever he is about to bless you with. No matter how hard it seems, don't quit or give up for your blessing is just around the corner!!

Be Blessed


Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome Spring

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!! Spring is in the air!!!!!!!!!!!! The Winter season is over and it is officially Spring! Let's thank God for waking us up this morning in our right minds! Let's give God thanks for allowing us to see yet another day! Let's give God thanks for his Grace and Mercy for bringing us through! Let's give God thanks for all that he has done and all that he continues to do! Time to do away with old things and welcome in new things! Time to close the chapter on things that are leaving you dry and depleted. It's time for some spring cleaning of getting rid of things that aren't adding positive value to your life. It's time for us to change our mindsets and start thinking more positively, more boldly. God has so much in store for us but we have to be willing to take that first step in giving him what he is telling us to let go of. There's new places, new people, new opportunities, new chances, etc. for us to see but we can't see those things if we are constantly holding on to old things that are no longer good for us. I pray that you all take the time to do some Spring Cleaning inventory to clean out what's not helpful to you in order to grow into the person that you are asking God to help you become. Because I will be doing the same! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going good so far. Just wanted to share this quote with you all. It is important for us to know and remember that broken crayons still color and that every picture comes out beautiful. God can still use us to bring him glory, honor, and praise. He can still use us to fulfill his purpose for our lives. No matter how we may see ourselves and no matter what we feel that we may be lacking in comparison to others. God can and will use us with our imperfections, flaws. insecurities. to complete his perfect will. God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than ours. What we see as inadequacy he sees as a chance to build and strengthen a skill that is already instilled within us. God has blessed all of us with unique talents, skills, and abilities and we have to seek and ask him to help us dig out all these wonderful gifts that he has placed within us so that we can be of help to others. No matter what you have gone through or is currently going through, just know that broken crayons still color. God has the final say, trust and believe in his word.

Be Blessed


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

God is Awesome

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going good so far. Just wanted to share how awesome and good God is! I am beyond thankful and grateful to be able to say that a certain chapter in my life is closed. I've been dealing with so much within the past 2 1/2 years of my life and it is by his grace and mercy that it is finally finished! I know that I made mistakes and poor choices but I'm not where I should or could be! This has been the hardest, difficult, experience of my life! I didn't expect to have gone through what I went through but it was for a reason. I've experienced hurt, pain, sadness, betrayal, devastation but I've also experienced laughter, happiness, gladness. I've been high and low. there's been good times and bad times. What should have took me out, my God worked it out! In this time, I've reconnected with God and have begun the process of creating the desire to have an intimate relationship with him. I've shared in a previous post, that I knew who God was growing up but I never really knew him. I never really took the time to seek his face and rest in his presence. I never really communicated with him like I'm doing now. I was that "Lukewarm Christian" I prayed when things were going good, I went to him when I needed help, I went to church every so often, and I rarely read my Bible.

There have been many, many attacks that the enemy has thrown to throw me off course! There has been times where I wanted to give up because I couldn't see how things were going to work out. There was a time where I couldn't fix myself to write a blog post because I wasn't feeling "it". I couldn't do it because it wouldn't have been real or genuine, it would have been straight up fake if I were to have posted something during that time. And that's something that I don't want to do because I started this to be of help to others when I was going through.

My walk with him is still a journey and I believe that it will continue to be so. I believe that this situation needed to happen in order for my eyes to come open in not seeing things through rose colored glasses but as they are in reality. I needed to put my focus and attention on God and not other people or things. The person that has been through everything with me, is truly a blessing! She is and will always be dear to me not because of what she did but because of who she is. She is a mighty woman of God and I love her so much! I am beyond thankful to those individuals that God has placed in my life to be of help. They didn't have to but its amazing that people will doing something out of the kindness of their hearts and I know that God will bless them!

So I just want you all to know that no matter what you are going through, God will make a way. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you always. You just have to make the first move in speaking to him because he already knows what's happening on the inside. God will see you through. If he did it for me he can and will do it for you!!!

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 15, 2015


Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well. Let's thank God for allowing us to enter into another week. Let's be thankful to him for allowing us to see another day. Let's thank him for his grace and mercy for bringing us through! Let's thank him for this new day that is filled with new promises and new mercies.  I came across this quote and wanted to share it with you all. I know that when I am weak God gives me the strength to endure and carry on. I know that he won't give me nothing that I can't handle. But I know for me at times, I struggle with realizing that I am much stronger than I think I am. At times, I think how can God trust me so much to continue on with all that is happening within my life. As I posted before in previous posts, we are not excluded from going through hardships and difficult circumstances just because we are Christians. But in those times, it can be hard to find the endurance to press on. Also, you can get the feeling of being alone in whatever you are going through.

In my walk with God. I am constantly learning that everything that I go through is for his divine purpose and plan. He is pruning, molding and shaping me into the woman of God that he knows I can be. I am learning that God will be there with me no matter what comes my way. Yes, these past few weeks my mood has been kind of somber. I was going through the motions of things and I felt such a disconnection from him because I wasn't spending time with him like I was before. I was reading my daily devotions and reading my Bible plan but I wasn't feeling it because it was being done out of obligation. I felt a heavy burden that was laying on my shoulders and it was dragging me down.

I was able to talk to a spiritual mentor regarding how I was feeling spiritually. In talking to her, I got back to the core of why I wanted to have a relationship with God in the first place. I got back to being committed in trusting God. Yes, at time my faith has wavered, I am human and imperfect. Granted, God already knows how I was feeling he wanted me to come to him and tell him all that I was feeling. In leaving from talking to her, I felt this weight lifted off of me and my mood was lighter then ever before. God uses people to be a blessing/of help to others and I felt that day he used the spiritual mentor in helping me get back on track.

You have the strength to endure whatever comes your way. You have the strength to carry out what God has for you. God will never give you no more than you can handle. He will use people to be of help but we must be attentive to how he answers your prayers. You have a calling on your life. God has set you apart and he has called you out. Yes, at times it will feel as though life has knocked you down. But always remember Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengths me".

Be Blessed


Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Friday!

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope you all had a great week! I know I haven't posted since last week but that's going to change! Get out and do something, life is too short not to enjoy it! We only have a few more weeks left in this month and there is still time for you to set goals and accomplish them. No matter what may come your way, keep pushing, keep praying, keeping, striving. Keep God first in all that you do and he will direct your steps. So I hope you all have a great and blessed weekend!

Be Blessed


Monday, March 2, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going well so far. Just wanted to share this awesome posting with you all. It is so important that we get connected with God and spend time with him. Whether its five minutes or fifty minutes spend time with him because he wants to hear from you. He already knows what's going on within and around us but we have to seek him and do it wholeheartedly. No matter how many times we may fall or stumble her loves us and he will never leave us nor forsake us!! So I pray that this blesses you and hope you all continue to have a great week!!

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Welcome March

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday!!!! It is the first day of the month of March and Spring time is almost here!! Let's thank God for allowing us to enter into the third month of the year. Let's thank God for all that he's done and for bringing us this far. Even though my favorite season is Winter/Fall, I love Spring time where the weather is beautiful and the flowers are blooming! (My favorite flowers are Tulips) It is that time where the seasons are changing. Some if not most of us will be rearranging our closets and pushing/putting away our winter clothing and pulling out our spring attire. As the seasons change when it comes to the weather so does the seasons change within our lives. No matter how much I love the winter/fall season and the clothing that I wear, I can't stay in that season forever! Whatever current season you are in you will not stay there forever.

We are all in different walks in our lives and as I continue to develop a closer relationship with God, I pray that you all are pursuing the same. No matter how much you want to give up or give in don't! Keep pushing and pressing forth because there is something greater within you that God is trying to birth out of you! So continue to write down those goals that you want to accomplish but continue to put them into action. Saying we want to do this or that is one thing but its a different ball game once we put action behind words. I know for me one of my goals is that I want to get back to working out again. I was doing well and then I fall off (lol) but its time for me to start back up again and push through. Besides the fact of me wanting to lose weight I want to feel better and have more energy.

So shake off and let go off what didn't happen within the first two months of the year! Continue to keep God first and seek him in all that you do! Know that you matter and that you have purpose. Know that you are valuable, worthy, and loved. Know that your season will change be content with where you are but don't become complacent. God has great things in store for each and every one of us! Praying that you all have a great and blessed week!!

Be Blessed


Friday, February 27, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! I know this picture could be talking about exercising and all that it entails. But it can also resemble the many ups and downs of that we go through in our lives. We will have road blocks, dead ends, curves balls, etc. But I am learning that sometimes its not about what you are going through but how you are handling whatever the situation or circumstance. Yes, my emotions and feelings have been up and down but I continue to give God thanks and praise him for bringing me this far. We are not excluded from going through hardships. No matter how much it hurts like hell or no matter how much we don't understand what or why we are going through, we have to continue to run on. We have to continue to press and push through our ups and downs. God has a greater purpose and even if we don't see it yet, he sees something within each and everyone of us. God will get the glory, honor, and praise because without a test there is no testimony and without a mess there is no message!

Be Blessed


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! We are entering into the last weekend of this month. I hope this month brought you things that you have been praying for. Not so much in materialistic things but things such as clarity, spiritual understanding, wisdom, confirmation, growth, closeness to God, etc. No matter what may or may not have happen within this month continue to press on and reach for what God has placed on your heart to do. This has been an up and down month for me but I am thankful in the small things. I am thankful for the tears I've shed, the pain, the hurt, the disappointment, the good, bad, and ugly. I am thankful each morning I wake up and for the air that fills my lungs. Even though at times I've felt scared, fearful, doubtful, etc. God graced me with his comforting presence. He used someone to speak to me that gave me clarity on things that I thought I had let go of. I won't and can't give in into the trap of thinking that God has left me because that's what the enemy wants. I know God is with me wherever I am at. I have to continually seek him and speak boldly in what I pray to him. So as we go into the final weekend of the month, continue to have faith in God. Seek him wholeheartedly and be still long enough to hear his still small voice. Because he does speak to back to us, we just have to tune out the business and noise of our lives to hear him.

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 22, 2015

God Uses People

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope that everyone had a good weekend. We are entering into the last week of the month! March 1st will be here before we know it! Let's thank God for allowing us to see the final week of this month. Let's thank God for all that he has done for us and give thanks to him for all that he continues to do. Let's give thanks to him in advance for whatever is to come. I know I barely posted anything last week because it was hard for me to encourage you when I couldn't even encourage myself. This life we live we will face things from all different directions and we have to be on alert! The enemy will use anyone and anything that he can to entrap you and make you feel less than. I want to be transparent with what I write to you all and at times I get discouraged, I get fearful and doubtful of things that go on within my own life. I started this blog to be an uplifting, encouraging, and supportive place for all women no matter where they are in their life. Last week, I couldn't bring myself to write anything because I didn't feel it within myself and I don't want to be fake or put on a show that I have together regarding my Christian walk. I will be a constant work in progress in my walk with God. I want my foundation (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual) areas of my life to be on one accord with God. I have been praying to him to show me a sign and that I be attentive to that sign. He showed me that sign today in church and afterwards when I was having a conversation with someone.

We have to be willing to be attentive to hearing and seeing what God shows to us by who he uses to express his answers of our prayers. I was an emotional basket case on last week and I was crying like a baby. But I am thankful that I was able to get it out and tell God and I mean truly tell him how I felt about everything that was going on. Today, was a blessing straight from him and he uses people to show us things that we have been praying to him about. I'm joking but I'm serious when I keep thinking the ceiling of my room is going to break open and his voice is going to appear or the tree outside my room is going to blaze a fire and his voice is going to speak to me. I know its not going to happen but I just be thinking that sometimes (lol). Go into this week with an open heart, mind, and eyes to seeing how god uses people to be a blessing in your life!

Be Blessed


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going well so far. Just wanted to share this quote with you all in thinking positive! We all go through things within our lives and it can be extremely hard to think positive. I know all to well about trying to be prayed up and be positive about whatever is going on but then I find myself worrying, stressing, or thinking negatively about my current situation. We have to be mindful of the thoughts and the words that we speak in and through our lives. What we put out in the atmosphere is what we will get back. We have to be in constant communication with God and letting our focus be on him and not our present circumstances or things of the past that have lead to our present circumstances. God will do his part but we also have to do ours in putting our faith into action. We have to be about our fathers business and not let what is currently happening deter us from him and doing what he has called us to do. God is always with us and we will never leave us nor forsake us!

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Be Encouraged

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope you all are having a great weekend! Let's thank God for allowing us to see another day and week! Let's thank God for this day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Church was amazing this morning and it was so the place that I needed to be on this morning. The word on this morning was what I needed and it gave me a new found outlook on things. No matter what's going on God is working it out and even though I may be mentally and emotionally tired. He knows that I can finish this race and he knows that with his strength I can do all things in Christ. The wonderful thing about God is that he sees where we are and how tired we are with whatever it is that we are going through. But in where we are he is preparing us, molding us, shaping us for the blessing that is to come. We just have to hold on a little while longer because once the storm we are presently in goes away, the blessing that is to come will be unimaginable!

If God is for us who can be against us! God is so loving and amazing and he only wants the best for us! Our stories and our paths may be different but God is doing a work in and through all of us so that one day we can share our testimonies. Our stories matter and our stories can be of help to someone else who is struggling to hold on. So tell the devil he can go straight back where he came from and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. God will bring you out and he will get the glory, honor, and praise!!! Have a great and blessed week!

Be Blessed


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope you all are having a great weekend so far! Wanted to share this quote with you all in trusting the process. We have this plan of our lives and how things should go in order to achieve the things that we want to accomplish. But at times life will throw us curve balls, wrenches, etc. But it is in those times of our hardships that we never give up and keep on praying. Because our prayers never go unanswered and our tears that we shed never go unnoticed. Things in life happen for a reason and at times we may never understand those reasons. God is the author and finisher of all things within our lives. He knows every single detail that will go unfold and take place. We will get to our destination but it may not be how we plan. At times it may be hard to enjoy the journey because of all that is going on. But we have to trust the process and trust that God will work everything out in the end. We serve an awesome and wonderful God who only wants the best for us!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, February 12, 2015

This Thing Called Life

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going well and the weekend is almost here!!! This thing called life is the most crazy, beautiful, exciting, nerve-racking experience one can go through. I know in a past post I spoke on how we are going to go through hardships and difficult times in our life. I spoke on how we are not excluded from going through things just because we say we are followers and believers of Christ. Just as Jesus went through things and suffered so will we. There is something major happening within my life and it has my head spinning and just the feeling of not this again! And I know I post blogs about staying prayed up and encouraging yourself and trusting in God. But today when I was praying, I questioned why should I keep praying because everything is coming at me in full force and I don't see what I am supposed to get or understand from all of this. I questioned is this ever going to be over and I questioned why must I choose to be kind or show love to another human being when they could care less about me. When I was speaking to God, I was letting him know how I felt about things. I was being as honest and forthcoming as I could because I know that God doesn't want to hear just the good things but he wants to hear the bad, the hurt, the pain, the frustration, etc. So I let it out when I praying and I said, show me what it is that you are wanting me to see because I don't see it.

I know he's not going to answer me ASAP (lol) but I know he's listening. I know he hears me and I know my prayers are NOT going unanswered. God works on his on time and in his own way. I have to believe that the blessing that God has for me is bigger then I could ever imagine and that's why the enemy and his workers are trying to do everything they can to stop it. But I rebuke and bind it in Jesus name. I have to stand out on FAITH and cling to hope in God that everything will work itself out in the end. My faith, hope, trust, and belief is in God and I can't just say it without backing it up with actions. I am human, I am flawed, I am imperfect, person who sometimes faith waivers and I don't believe that God loves me any less then he already does. He knows me better then I know myself and he created me in his image and likeness, He knows my heart and everything that I am feeling but I have to go and seek him to find rest, peace, and comfort.

I just want you all to know that no matter what you are going through, please keep fighting and praying. Because God is doing something in each and every one of us and we are set a part for a reason! He is with us wherever we go he promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Give thanks unto God for all that he has done and all that he continues to do. For every breath we take, we still have purpose! Be encouraged and never lose your fight! Don't let what you are going through turn your heart into bitterness, resentment, anger, vengeance, evil-spirited. For God will take care of the just and the unjust.

Be Blessed


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going good so far! Just wanted to share this quote with you all to keep pushing and pressing forth with whatever it is that you want to do. There are so many challenges and obstacles that we face in and around us on a daily basis. It is so important that we never give up or give in. It doesn't matter what society says, it only matters what God says. The power of life and death lies within the tongue. Starting speaking LIFE over yourself! Whatever you speak it will come back! You can and you will achieve whatever God has placed in your heart to do. Speak daily affirmations regarding your life and keep doing them until they are embedded within your mind!!! Life is too short and we only have one life to life! Keep God first in all that you do and have faith that he will bring you through!

Be Blessed


Monday, February 9, 2015

He's Listening

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Monday!!! Hope you all are doing well! Thank God for allowing us to see another day! Thank Him for this day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Hope you all had a great start to this week and if not there is enough time for it to end well! So I wanted to share this quote with you all. I know a lot of times when we are praying to God we are hoping to hear from him within seconds after we've prayed (at least I have lol ) But that doesn't quite happen hardly ever. At times, I've felt like is God really hearing me when I speak to him?? I've felt as though the ceiling of my room was going to open and he was somehow going to speak back to me. But that hasn't happen and I'm sure it won't (lol). But as I am getting more in tune with my walk with God, I am understanding that he hears me even when I don't hear anything. God moves on his own time table, he doesn't move on yours or mine. When he knows we are ready for something, he will reveal it to us in his own way and in his on time. But when he reveals the something to us, we have to be in position to hear and receive it. We can't continue to pray and ask God about certain things and when he gives us the answer we disregard what he says because its not what we want to hear. We can't keep going to him halfheartedly and expecting him to bless us! We have to be sincere in all that we do especially when it comes to praying because he knows us better than we know ourselves. And just because he doesn't answer us right away don't mean he is denying us of what we are asking him. But that he is preparing us, shaping us, and molding us for what is to come as well as preparing what is to come for us! So don't get discouraged or dismayed when you don't hear something from God right away. Just know that whenever you call on him he's listening!

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Hope you all had a good weekend!! Let's give thanks to God for allowing us to enter into another week!! Let's give thanks to God for blessings us and seeing us through! Wanted to share this quote with you all to get the week started. No matter what obstacles (giant) we face there is a stone that can knock that obstacle (giant) down, There is currently a giant that I am facing at this moment. Yes, it is a bit unsettling and nerve racking because a lot of things can happen if this giant doesn't go well. I know I blog/write in hopes to being an encouragement to you all who take the time out to read these blog post. And I know that I have to practice what I write about as well. I know I have to encourage myself and continue to pray that God will work things out for the better. It is so important that we all stay prayed up because the enemy will come at you from any direction. He will use any tactic that he can to bring you down because the blessing that God has for you he doesn't want you to get. But the God I serve is all powerful and all knowing. He won't leave me nor forsake me. He will guide me and protect me and all I have to do is genuinely and humbly seek is face and call out his name. I pray that you all seek God stay within his will because he already knows the outcome of everything we will go through in this life. I pray that you all have a great and blessed week! I pray that you all know that nothing is too hard for the God that we serve!!!

Be Blessed


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hello February

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Let's give God thanks for letting us see another day! This day is filled with new promises and new mercies! Thank God for allowing us to enter into the second month of the year! I pray that you all keep pushing and striving into being the person that God knows you can be. I pray that you all will continue to take time to sit at God's feet and leave all that is troubling or worrying you with him. Life is too short to be unhappy. Whatever did or didn't happen last month its okay, use the motivation to keep pressing forth to what it is that you want to achieve. People are always going to talk or have their opinion but it doesn't matter! What matters is what God says and with God all things are possible! You were created in his image and likeness he knows all about you and already knows what the future holds for you. You have to just be willing to TRUST him and TRUST in his will and plan for your life.

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Take The Limits Off Of God

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Thank God for allowing us to see another day and enter into the second month of the year! Hope you all had a great and productive weekend! Wanted to share with you in how we need to take the limits off of God. So I read over the article about the woman who said she would marry herself if she didn't find love at the age of 40. Its not legal to marry yourself but her sister performed a spiritual ceremony. I was a bit taken aback by this because it appears that so many women are just settling because they aren't where they want to be or with someone that they want to be with by a certain age or certain point in their lives. Why is it that when it comes to every aspect of our lives we are just settling?  Why are we just okay with second best? Why aren't we putting our faith into action and trusting God that he will do just what he said he would? Is it because we really don't trust God? Is it because we don't think that we will be able to achieve what he knows what's in our hearts?

So why are we limiting God who can do just about anything then we could ever imagine. God can do the unthinkable, the unimaginable. and the impossible in our lives if we would take the limits off of him. We have to stop thinking small and start thinking big! It is okay for us to have plans for our lives but on this journey with him we have to be open minded with a willing heart to follow HIS plans for us. God knows us better than we know ourselves and he knows what's best for us. As a believer and follower of Christ, we are not exempt for hardships and difficult times. We all go through setbacks, disappointments, heartaches, and pain. But there comes a point where we can't let what is happening in and around us deter us from our God given purpose. We can't just come to settle with second best and think where we are is where we will stay. No, God has greater things in store for each of us!

We have to guard our hearts and our minds and combat whatever tactics the enemy uses against us. God didn't give us the spirit of fear. We have to fully trust and believe in him and put our faith into action. With God we will go through some mountaintops and some dark valleys.This journey we are taking and walking with him is not easy. But in the end he said it would be worth it. We have to start taking the limits off of God and declaring and decreeing positive, confident, bold blessings over our lives. Without God nothing is possible, but with God anything is possible!!!

Be Blessed


Friday, January 30, 2015

Happy Friday

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Friday Everyone! Let's thank God for allowing us to see another day! Another day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Let's give thanks to him for giving us another chance and opportunity to get it right. Take the time to give God praise and thanks for all that he has done! He is is just an awesome and wonderful God and no matter how many times we may fail he is always there to protect us, guide us, heal us, comfort us, direct us, and so much more. His love for us his pure and unconditional. We just have to seek and call on him and he will grace us with his presence to soothe our racing minds. Hope you all are doing well and that you all had a great week! We are in the last two days of the month and come Sunday we will be in the month of February. I hope that you all have gotten off to a good start to this year. If not you have eleven more months to go for it to end better than it started. Keep striving to become the person that God knows you can be. Don't let the obstacles that come deter you from what's on your heart to do. It doesn't matter what other people say or think, God gave you the vision not them. It is important that we keep God first in all that we do. Matthew 6:33 says, We must seek first his Kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well.

Be Blessed


Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well and that everyone's week is going great so far. Just wanted to share this with you all in getting your day started! Always know and remember that you are worthy to be loved, that you are valuable, and that God paid the ultimate price for you when he died on the cross! Thank God for the covering of his blood that was shed for all of us. You are the daughter of the Most High God and you are perfect in his eyes. It doesn't matter what others think or say what only matters is what God says. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in his image and likeness! Go forth and do well and always know that he is right there with you always.

Be Blessed


Monday, January 26, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well! Let's thank God for allowing us to see another day! A new day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. It's the last week of the month and the month seems to have flown by. Wanted to share this quote with you all to start off the week. It is important that we give God thanks for all the things that he has blessed us with. We can't just simple thank him when everything is going our way that's not genuinely giving God praise.  In the midst of our troubles and storms we must find a way to praise our way through and be thankful for the small blessings. When we are thankful for the small blessings we will be even more grateful for when he blessings us in ways than we could ever imagine. Have a great and productive week!

Be Blessed


Sunday, January 25, 2015

What's Happiness To You

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all doing well! Thanking God for allowing us to enter into the final week of the month! Oh, where has the month gone to (lol). So I watched the movie that came on Lifetime last night, With This Ring. Overall, I would say the movie was good and I think we all can relate to the concept of the movie in some form. What I took away from watching the movie was the old sayings of don't settle and stop waiting for something or someone to come along to make you happy. One of the words one of the main characters was saying throughout the movie was she wanted to be happy or have happiness in her life. To be happy or have happiness in one's life can mean different things to different people. But the overall theme of happiness is the thought of the good life, freedom from suffering, well-being, joy, prosperity, and pleasure. At the end of the day, we all want to be happy! But getting to that place of being happy or having happiness in your life takes work. We have to get out of the mindset of waiting for something/someone to come along to make us happy. I struggled with this very thing. I always thought if I could hurry up and move out of the place where I am residing then I would be happy or that the relationship I was in would save me and that I would be happy. I was placing people and things on a pedestal and putting God on the back burner as well as myself.

But then I had gotten a very in-depth reality check and that I can't look to other people or things to make me happy. I must look to the ONE that gave up his life for me! It is amazing to know that God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance as man does. I was so lost and didn't even realize it until I experienced the situation that I went through. One of the most valuable lessons that I learn from my situation was that happiness doesn't come from the world but it comes from seeking God's face and spending time with him. One doesn't have to look to the world in order to gain happiness because whatever you gain from the world is only temporary. But when you look to God and spend time with him you not only gain happiness but joy, peace, comfort, healing, etc.

I had to and still am searching for what makes ME happy. But I know that I won't just settle to having happiness in my life but I want everlasting JOY! Joy is something the world didn't give to me and the world can't take it away from me. Joy to me is no matter what comes my way and no matter how many times life tries to knock me down, God is in control of my life. Having the quite confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation! Because the God I serve will give me the strength I need to face what comes, he will direct my steps in the way he wants to me go, he will continue to work in and through me, and shape and mold me into the woman he knows I can become. It doesn't matter what society says I should be doing by this age or what I should have by this age. What matters is what God says and with God anything is possible!!!

Be Blessed


Saturday, January 24, 2015

Who Are You Following?

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Saturday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well! So I am reading this 365 daily devotional called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and it is awesome! I know I'm in only in the month of January reading this devotional but I truly recommend you all getting this book! I got mine from Half- price books in the clearance section! So this morning devotional, I wanted to share with you all and the importance of knowing who you follow in your time of need. God paid the ultimate sacrifice when he died upon the cross. He died so that we wouldn't have to and he took on the sins of not only yours and mine but of this world. So why is it hard for us to seek him and follow his word? Why do we feel that we can have one foot in the door with God and the other foot out in the world? Why do we have a hard time trusting him and only him? This world didn't die for us but God did! He came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. We can't serve two masters and think that it is okay. We as believers and followers of Christ will go through hardships and difficulties. But it is in those times that we seek God and praise our way through. Thank him for what we are going through instead of asking the question of "why me"? Thank him that it is you because he is doing a good work in and through you for his Glory! We can't just give him praise when things our going our way and then freak out when things start to unravel and seek temporary pleasures of this world so that we can mask the pain of what we don't want to deal with. Where is your FAITH? Where is your TRUST IN HIM? God has gone before you and made all of your crooked paths straight but are you willing to walk along side him and take up your cross to see where he is trying to lead you.

Be Blessed


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you are doing well! We only have a few more days until the weekend and I hope that everyone's week is going great! Sharing this quote with you all and how it is important for all of us to know that the answers from God will come but on his on timing. We get so frazzled about what the day brings before the day even starts or we consume ourselves with endless thoughts of worry about the situations we are dealing with. Seek God's face and enter into his courts with praise! Be thankful and a cheerful giver for he knows all about our troubles. He has already gone before us and made our crooked paths straight and he already knows what lies ahead. We just have to put our hope, faith, and trust in him. Don't let what is happening around you affect what's happening within you. Sometimes it's not about our situation or circumstance but about how we deal with what we are going through. Give God thanks for all that he has done and all that he continues to do and thank God in advance for what is to come....Because your breakthrough is on the way!!!

Be Blessed


Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessing!!

Hope you all are doing well and that everyone's week is going great so far! Wanted to share this awesome quote with you all! It is so important that we spend quality and quiet time with our Father! There is nothing wrong with following or liking inspirational posts or hearing a word from your favorite speaker but we can't let those things be our only source of hearing and reading from God. We have to genuinely seek him and open up our Bibles and spend time with him. We have to seek his still small voice and hear what he as to say regarding our lives. We have to block out the noise that is around us and be still. If we can make time for everything else then we can make time to spend and sit at the feet of God.

Be Blessed


Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mending A Broken Heart

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday Everyone! I hope you all are doing well and that everyone had a great and blessed weekend! I didn't attend church this morning but watched it online and the message was about mending a broken heart. I looked up the definition of broken from the Merriam-Webster definition states broken as, separated into parts or pieces by being hit, damaged, etc., not working properly, and not kept or honored. We all experience heartbreak of some kind in our lives. Heartbreak doesn't necessarily mean relational but it could mean financial, as well us breaking our own hearts by taking on something that we weren't supposed to do. Of course, no one wants to experience heartbreak of any kind but they do happen. The scripture for the sermon was taken from Psalm 55: 1-8, 12-14, 22 Job 24:12. There were three main key points and the first was knowing that broken hearts do happen. It is important for us to know that we are not exempt from getting our hearts broken. Just as we are meant to suffer for a little while, heartache and pain are meant to happen to us as well. But when we experience getting our heart broken we tend to question ourselves and our self-worth. We tend to question why would someone or something that we love so much would hurt us so bad. We start to think that something is wrong with us because you've given your all into something or someone and it turns around slaps you in the face because what you thought was good is not the case.

The second key point was being careful of what you allow in your heart while it's broken. This key point is so major because while we are hurting and saddened by our heart brokenness, it is important to be mindful of what we allow within our hearts. I've experienced heartbreak and it was not pleasant whatsoever. And it wasn't just a relationship heartbreak but a cultivation of things that I wasn't prepared to handle when things came to blow. It was something that I have never experienced in my life before and it was devastating to me as well. But while in my heart brokenness, it was important that I didn't allow things of negativity into my spirit. Such things as resentment, anger, vengeance, bitterness, etc. Now this wasn't an easy task to do by any means because when you are hurting and still getting kicked down when you are already down, you want the other person(s) to experience what you are experiencing but in a worse way than you are feeling. It is by God's grace and mercy that I am not what or who hurt me. Meaning that I haven't taken on those seeping feelings that I felt by what happened to me. It is so important for us to guard our hearts at all times! Proverbs 4:23 says, "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life".

The last key point was be willing to take your hurts to the MENDER of BROKEN HEARTS! This point brought it all home. We have to be willing to take our broken pieces to him so that HE CAN FIX IT. We can't do the fixing ourselves but GOD CAN and HE WILL if you just take all that brokenness that you have stored up within yourself to him. He is the fixer and finisher of all things. He can fix and restore us to something new and better then before. No matter where the brokenness comes from, he will carry you through.

I enjoyed this message and wanted to share it with you all because it is so important that we don't become what hurt us. Heartbreak isn't something that no one wants to experience but it will happen. It is so easy to succumb to the feelings that one goes through when dealing with heartbreak, But I am a witness that with God by your side and in your life, you don't have to become what or who did you wrong. You have the choice to choose differently and become a new creation. What was meant to harm you he can turn it around for your good if you are willing to give him your hurts, disappointments, sadness, frustrations, anger, pain, etc. He will use what was meant to tear you down and birth something new within you! He's already there waiting for you to give it to him, you just have to take the first step in letting it go!

Be Blessed


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well and that everyone's week has been going great! The weekend is almost here!! Just wanted to share this with you and how it is important to remember that no matter what has happened in your life, you will be fine! No matter who hurt you or what obstacles you've faced you are still here and still standing! You have purpose and you have a life to be lived and fulfilled! God doesn't want us walking around sad, depressed, or defeated he wants to see us with joy, peace and with the expectation of what is to come in your life. You will make it no matter what, you have to say it and believe in what your saying!!!

Be Blessed


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Seeking God Wholeheartedly

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well. I hope that everyone's week is going great thus far and that you all are having a great start off into the New Year. I know that in my last post I had shared with you that I am doing the 21 days REBIRTH Fast that Saved In The City is having. We are currently on the third day and the topic of the day was to worship with a whole heart. I've come to really understand what that means. When it comes to worship, we all have our different takes on it because we are all different. It is so important that we seek God with our whole heart and be genuine when it comes to seeking his face and being in his presence. As I've mentioned before, I had a relationship with God but I really didn't. I was that lukewarm Christian, I prayed every so often, I gave thanks when needed, and I went to him when I needed something or when I was in distress about something. But I never fully gave it my all meaning I didn't read my Bible and study and truly mediate on his word.

Now, as I am desiring to have a relationship with God and become closer to him. I must worship with my whole heart. When it comes to seeking his face and being within his presence, I really have to be serious about it. When studying/reading the Bible, I have to be open and attentive to what I am reading and how I can apply it to my life. Its not about reading scriptures to read them because you feel obligated. Its about giving thanks for all that he has done and giving thanks for what is to come. Its about giving thanks in spite of your circumstances or situation. Its about truly being on one accord with God and praising your way through whatever you are facing.

If we don't want to be mistreated by people who do things halfheartedly then we shouldn't mistreat God by worshiping him halfheartedly. So whenever you seek God, do it with your whole heart and be genuine about it.

Be Blessed


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Just wanted to share with you this fast and prayer that I am doing that Saved In The City is having. The fast and prayer starts today so you can go to their website and download the devotional and there is also prayer every morning at 6 AM CST/7 AM EST. I encourage everyone to partake in this prayer, fasting, and personal devotional time with God. As I wrote in my journal this morning, I don't want to look at this fast as being its 21 days but look at that I am spending more time with God and that I am sacrificing something in order to receive what HE has for me. Hope you all have a great and blessed week!!

Be Blessed


Getting Back To The Basics

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. I also hope that everyone had a great weekend! Let's thank God for allowing us to enter into another week. Let's thank God for this week that will be filled with goodness and blessings!! I wanted to share with you in how important it is for us to get back to the basics for this New Year. In the world we live in today, technology has advanced and will continue to advance at a rapid rate to simplify our lives and allow us to have everything at our fingertips. By being so caught up in the worldly tasks, we often lose time in spending time with God, spending time with family/friends, and getting to do things that we enjoy to do. It is so important within this New Year, that we really maintain our focus on setting out the goals that we want to achieve/accomplish this year.  

When it comes to getting back to the basics it strengthens our foundation. It is important to have a solid and strong foundation because if one doesn't it won't be able to withstand what is to come. Whatever happen or didn't happen last year, you can't take into this New Year! Last year was only preparation for this year! You can't move forward and onward with the mentality of last year, you have to shift your mindset that this year will be better than 2014. 

If we are really serious about having a relationship with God, we have to really seek and pursue him! If we have the time to seek and pursue other things then we surely have the time to genuinely seek God and be in his presence. God is always there, he didn't move or vanished to someplace else, he's there in the midst of EVERYTHING. You moved or you did have a relationship with him until you got what you wanted and then you checked out! As I stated in a previous post, we are not excluded from going through difficult times in our lives. We can't just give God the praise when things are going our way. We will have difficult times and have seasons where it feels as though our backs are up against a wall and there's no way out. 

But this is where our foundation, our faith, our trust in him comes in. This is what getting back to the basics is all about. Setting side alone/quiet time with God to be in his presence. We can't always be on our phones, on social media, busy with work, doing tasks at home. We have to get away from all the NOISE and have one-on-one time with him. The time is now for us to be about our business not only in our personal lives but especially in our spiritual lives. 

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" Romans 12:2 

Be Blessed


Thursday, January 8, 2015

There Is Hope

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! I hope that everyone's week is going great! I just wanted to share with you the devotionals that I read this morning. I have a Women's Devotional Bible and then I am reading Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. So I am trying to get into the habit of praying before I read my devotionals instead of reading them then praying. I want to start off by praying of course to give thanks to God but to ask him to let my mind and heart be open and attentive to what I am reading. I always ask him to speak to me however the Holy Spirit wants to speak to me and that I am aware that he is speaking to me and I'm not in my own thoughts. So this morning, I did pray then I read my two devotionals for the day. What I realized from reading them is that they both shared a common theme which was clinging in hope/taking refuge in God. Both of my devotionals spoke about how no matter what may come your way, you must cling or take refuge in God. If you seek him he will give you rest, peace, comfort, understanding, etc. If you seek him in the midst of everything he will be your every present help. If you seek him he will be there to guide you along the way.

So when circumstances or situations arise that you weren't expecting to happen instead of stressing, worrying, or being afraid. Take refuge in God and cling your hope in HIM! When you seek him wholeheartedly he will give you the strength to carry you through whatever it is your're facing. In good times and bad times cling in hope and take refuge in God!!!

Be Blessed


Monday, January 5, 2015

Stay Prayed Up

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope that everyone had a great start to this week! Just wanted to share in how important it is for us to keep our minds stayed on God at all times. I had a pretty good day but a phone call I had gotten totally took me by surprise and kinda messed with my mood. I went from being in a pleasant mood to being annoyed a frustrated with what I was being told. And immediately mind my was gearing towards just negative thoughts and worrying was creeping in. As soon as I got home, I went into my quite time and I wrote in my journal about how I was feeling and then I read some scriptures in my Bible and then I prayed. I felt so good after I got done with my quiet time and then I saw this

The enemy will use any and every thing to distract you from praying and spending time with God. He will use any tatic he can to seen you off in another direction. It is so important that we stay prayed up at all times. We have to keep our minds, hearts on guard at all times. Because the enemy knows our weak spots he knows what will send us over the edge. But we serve an awesome and mighty God that will never leave us nor forsake us. All things are possible through him we just have to seek him wholeheartedly. No matter what comes your way, pray your way through it!

Be Blessed


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well and that you had a great weekend! Just wanted to share this quote with you all as we enter into a new week. No matter what happens in our lives we have to learn how to trust the process. Yes, this may seem like a difficult task to do but as we go through life we have to be willing to let go of trying to have control over things and just embrace this thing called life and trust the process. We are not excluded from going through difficult times and situations but it is during these times is when we must have faith in God that whatever is happening is for his divine reasoning. We must believe that something better is coming once we past through the dark clouds. So whatever is to unfold during this month, this year trust the process and seek the lesson from what you are going through. Hope you all have a great and blessed week!!!

Be Blessed


Friday, January 2, 2015

Why Are We Waiting To Make Sacrifices For God?

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well! I hope that everyone has gotten a great start off into the New Year! In this post, I wanted to share on the topic of sacrificing. One of the definitions of sacrifice means to give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations. Another definition means the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone. Of course, throughout my life I knew the definition of the word sacrifice but I never fully understood it. I knew that God made the ultimate sacrifice in dying on the cross for all of our sins. From reading my devotional from this morning and from being on a conference call on last night regarding the topic of sacrifice, I have a better understanding about the word sacrifice and its meaning. I am continuing to develop and grow a closer relationship with God and in order for me to do that I must set aside some alone/quiet time with him. Typically, when we (myself included) the first thing we do in the morning as soon as we wake up is get on social media (Facebook, IG, etc), check our emails. send/reply text messages, etc. And then we typically go about our daily routine such as showering, making/eating breakfast, getting dressed, and then heading out the door to either work, school, or to run errands for the day.

Then as the day progresses, we are combated with different personalities and situations that we didn't or weren't expecting to face as we headed out the door in the morning. We must take the time out to have some alone time with God. We must sacrifice a few minutes of the morning BEFORE we start our day to sit and be still at the feet of our FATHER. If we can get up early to do other things then we can spend at least ten or fifteen minutes of alone time with GOD. In doing so, our minds, hearts, and spirits are renewed for the day and they are strengthen in order for us to deal with whatever we face as the day goes on. We are also giving God thanks for waking us up in our right minds and thanking him for another day that he has blessed us to see.

Also, when it comes to sacrificing, we are giving up something in order to receive what God has promised. He is asking for something that we are wanting to keep. He knows that he has something better that he wants to give us but are we willing to let go of the very thing that he is asking us for? Whether it be a relationship/friendship. job, those feelings of resentment, anger, sadness, bitterness, etc. Holding on to these things doesn't do us any good and the question that comes into play is that of why are we so afraid to let go of the very thing that he is telling us to give to him? Is it the fear that we won't get anything in return? Is is the fact that we don't truly trust God?

So as you go throughout this year, ask yourself what am I willing to give up to get what God has promised? Don't do something because you feel OBLIGATED but do something because it is set on your heat to do. God only wants the best for us and just as we hold God to his word he will hold us to ours.

Be Blessed


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!! Its the first day of the New Year, let's thank God for allowing us to make it to see this day! Thank God for this day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. However you all spent your time in bringing in the New Year, I pray that you all had a great time and made it home safely. I am looking forward to what this year will bring. I speak life over everything no matter the circumstance. The power of life and death lies within the tongue, so if you speak doubt, negativity, defeat, etc in your life then that is what is going to show up. But if you speak life and give God the praise in spite of whats going on, he will do good work in and through you! Let this year be about our actions and not just our words. Because we can say we are going to do this or that but we fall short on being fully committed to doing what we said we would do.

I am so excited to see what God is going to do for not only myself but for you all as well. I pray that he continues to use me as a vessel to be a blessing to others. I pray that he continues to speak to me in using this blogging platform to speak HIS WORD and be a source of ENCOURAGEMENT to you all. For it is not about me but about HIM!! May you all have a blessed and great day and year!!!

Be Blessed
