Monday, September 29, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well!!! I hope everyone's week is going well so far. It is the last day of the month of September and we are coming into a new month! I pray that you all continue to strive in becoming better individuals and I pray that God continues to talk to you however he talks to you. Because he does communicate with us but we have to be willing to listen to him when he speaks and when he doesn't speak. In all things we must have faith and remain faithful. It does get hard at times when there is so much going on in and around our lives. But we have to keep pressing and pushing forward especially during those rough times. Faith without works is dead. You have to put positive action behind what you speak. Even though God will still work in your life you can't have no faith and no belief that things will work out no matter how bad they may seem. That's what the enemy wants and that's how he gets you when you've lost all hope. But as 2 Timothy 1:7 states, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". So I hope you all have a great, blessed, and productive week!!!

Be Blessed


Sunday, September 28, 2014

Seasons Changing

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well! I hope you all had a great and blessed weekend. It is the start of a new week and we are now entering into the tenth month of the year! The months are going by so quickly and by the Grace of God we all will be ringing in the New Year! The Summer season has ended and we have welcomed in the Fall season. For most of the country, the cool weather has already come about and everyone is pulling out their Winter/Fall clothes for the season. I personally love this time of year, Fall is my favorite season!! But just as the seasons are changing weather wise the seasons are changing within our own personal lives. We are all in different seasons of our lives and the seasons that we are in are meant to be shaping, molding, and preparing us for the next season. This season that I am in personally has been a eye opener and a learning experience. I have learned that my focus and attention were on other things and not on God where it needed to be. I came to realize that even though I knew God and went to church every now and then, I didn't really know him let talking about it.

I didn't have that personal connection and relationship with him that I had with everyone and everything else in my life. I was a lukewarm Christian. I prayed every so often, I rarely read my Bible, I went to church when I wanted, and I didn't communicate with God like I communicated with other people. I talked to him when I was in need of help but that was about it. I thought I knew who I was and I thought I had everything together but boy I was wrong (lol)! This season has been full of ups and downs, highs and lows, disappointments, hurt, anger, betrayal, hopelessness, etc. I never thought I would experience something like this in my life but I am so thankful that I did. I did question why me but then I turned it around and said a thank you to God for it being me. I understand and realize more then ever now that I had to go through what I went through in order to get into alignment with God and his word and his plans. Because I know I turned my back on God and let his hand go. It hasn't been easy and yes the enemy and his little workers had their plans, schemes, plots on attacking me throughout this whole season but God showed up and came right on time. It was by his grace and mercy that I am still here and still standing. I know that I am coming out and not going through anymore. This season was preparation for what is to come!!!

I don't know what any of you have been going through this past year. I may not understand your situation or circumstance but I can empathize with you. I understand what it feels like to be hurt, feelings of sadness, feelings of hopelessness, feelings of despair. But I am here to tell and share with you that everything that you have gone through has not been in vain. There is a purpose for your pain! You really have to praise your way through your situation or circumstance. Yes, there will be times where you want to give up and give in but that's what the enemy wants and you can't do that. No matter how hard and how tired you may be you have to keep pressing your way through. Because the season you are in will not be forever. The season you are in will change but you have to go through the process in order to be transformed into the person that God knows that you can be. There is no skipping ahead you have to go through and press your way through your journey.

I pray that you all keep pressing and keep pushing forward. Tell the enemy to go take a hike somewhere because you won't be the same person you were coming into this season. You will be a better, stronger, wiser, whole, and complete individual. I pray that you all have a blessed and great week!!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Ten Things I'm Thankful For

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well. I hope that you all are having a great and productive week so far. The week is almost over and the weekend will be here before we know it. So I wanted to share 10 things that I am thankful for with you all. In this world we live in, it is so easy to become consumed with having bigger and better things that we tend to forget to appreciate the small simple things in life. It is important that we don't take for granted the simple pleasures in life. I encourage you all to write out some things that you are thankful and grateful for. It could be less than ten or more it's whatever you are thankful for. So here is my list....

1. I am thankful to God for waking me up this morning

2. I am thankful for this season that I am in. I am thankful for the lessons that I have learned throughout this season

3. I am thankful to God for blessing me with another chance/opportunity in spite of my mistakes

4. I am thankful for the cool breeze from this Fall weather

5. I am thankful for my friends and family

6. I am thankful for my flaws and imperfections because they make me who I am

7. I am thankful for the rain

8. I am thankful for the seasons changing

9. I am thankful that I am almost done with Graduate school (Spring 2015)

10. I am thankful to God for using me as a vessel to be a blessing to others

Be Blessed


Monday, September 22, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well and hope you all are having a good week so far. I wanted to share this quote with you and as I always say it speaks volumes (lol)!! It made me think about waiting for God's best and not wanting what I want when I want it. We all have those instant gratification moments in where we are wanting things in a snap of a finger and not waiting on God or even seeking God first to see if it aligns with his plans. At times, God will us exactly what we have been praying for just to show us it's not what we need. Patience is a virtue and we have to look to God because he will supply all of our needs. Stop looking elsewhere because you see your friends, family, or people in general with things that you desire as well. You don't know what they went through to get to where they are now. Just as God blesses his people so does the devil. Whatever you are going through it is only temporary and God will bless you like never before. But we must wait on HIM and seek HIM and make sure that our plans align with HIS plans!

Be Blessed


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Being A Friend To Yourself

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well and I hope you all had great and blessed weekend!! It is the beginning of a new week! We are almost done with the month of September and it will soon be October! This year is going by so quickly and the New Year will be here before we know it! Let's continue to make the most out of the remaining months of the year! I wanted to share with you all how important it is to be a friend to yourself. As much as it is important to be there and be supportive of others. It is just as important to be there and be supportive of yourself. So I ask, How many of you are a friend to yourself? When it come to the characteristics of being a good friend it includes, Being kind to others. Showing up and be supportive. Being there unconditionally and without judgment when your friends are having a hard time. Telling them the truth, even when it’s hard. Celebrating your friends. Inspiring them to go for their dreams. Respecting them, honoring them, appreciating them, and being compassionate. 

It is so easy for us to show up and be there for other people when it is needed. But why is it hard for us to take that same love and friendship that we give to others and apply it to ourselves? Why is it that we suddenly feel guilty for taking care of ourselves or selfish for choosing to put ourselves first? Why does it seem wrong for us to love ourselves in the forms that we need most such as compassion, appreciation, nurturing, pleasure, etc? In situations where you have no problem telling a friend to take a break, stop working, leave a relationship, or go for their dreams, you just cannot seem to give yourself permission to do what you really need.

If you are not a friend to yourself, I encourage you to become one starting right now! There’s nothing selfish about taking care of yourself. If you don't look out for you then who will. When you become a friend to yourself, the more you fill yourself up with love and the more you will be able to give to others. It is okay to be selfish sometimes you have to be. Take the time to check in with yourself and be there for you when needed. You can't go around be there for others while letting go of you in the process. If you can genuinely be there for others then you can genuinely be there for yourself!  

Be Blessed


Friday, September 19, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! Thank God it's Friday and the weekend is finally here!!! I hope you all had a great and productive week. If things didn't go as you'd hope it is okay you have another chance and another opportunity for things to come together. I wanted to share this quote with you all and it is something that we should all say to ourselves! You are worth it! No matter what has happened in your life, you are worth it! No matter what people may say, think, or do you are worth it! You are worth so much more and you deserve everything that God has for you. You have to start believing that you are worthy of what God has planned for you. Yes, we all have a past but that past doesn't define who you are. You have to forgive yourself for the mistakes that you made and you can't let the opinions of others confine you into a box. It doesn't matter what they say all that matters is what God says!!! You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made!!! You are precious in his sight and he loves you and he only wants the best for you!! So start saying and believing that you are worth it and God will do great things in your life. You've come too far to settle for anything less than what God has for you!

Be Blessed


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Keep Fighting

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well! It's the middle of the week and the weekend is almost here! I hope that you all are having a great and productive week so far. I wanted to share this quote with you all and I feel that the saying speaks volumes!! Everything that you have gone through has made you into the person that you are now. No matter how hard what you were going through was you continued to fight and push through. Some of you may be facing difficult challenges now and you may want to give up and give in. Don't do it, keep fighting and keep pushing through. Whatever you are facing right now is only temporary and your greater is coming! You just have to hold on a little while longer and pray that God uses you during the season you are in. You've come too far to give up now. Don't let the distractions of the enemy get you down and the feelings of defeat and fear trap you because that's what the enemy wants. With God all things are possible and you will make it through!!! I pray that whatever you are going through that you find peace and comfort in God and that he gives you the strength to continue through! You will make it through and you will come out better than you was before!!!!

Be Blessed


Monday, September 15, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Thank God for this day!! I hope you all have a great weekend as well as a great day! It is the start of a new week. That means new blessings, new mercies, and new promises! Some people may not like Monday's but it's another day that you got the chance to get it right. We have to be thankful for not just Friday's but every day of the week. Every morning that we get to get up and take a breath that is a blessing from God. Many people didn't make it to see this day but you did! It is important that you make that BEST of it!!! Be grateful and thankful for the small things in life. Go out and enjoy this life because it is only temporary! I pray that you all have a great and blessed week!!!

Be Blessed


Friday, September 12, 2014

Positive Affirmations

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well. The end of the week is here and the weekend is upon us!! I love all things positive, encouraging, empowering, and uplifting. I wanted to share some positive affirmations with you all. I have come to really love positive affirmations. It is a real confidence and self-esteem booster. Affirmations are positive, specific statements that help you to overcome self-sabotaging, negative thoughts/feelings. They help you visualize and believe in, what you are affirming about yourself, helping you make positive changes within your life. Positive affirmations can be said daily and you can write them down on post-its, in your journal, have them on your wall at school or at work, and even as a wallpaper for your phone. I encourage you all to write some positive affirmations that will help you in your walk and to deal with the day to day challenges that you face. It doesn't matter what people say or what they think, what only matters is what God says.You are worthy. You are loved. You are valuable. I hope you all have a great and blessed weekend!!!

Be Blessed


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well! It's the middle of the week and the weekend is almost here. I pray that you all finish out this week on a positive note. No matter how your week might have started you have the power to change the outcome of it. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for. Remember to take pleasure in the small simple things in life. God is always with you no matter what you are facing. Keep smiling, Keep pressing. Keep praying.

Be Blessed


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Suffering In Silence, How To Break The Cycle

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well! I hope you all had a great and blessed weekend! It has been raining here on and off since Friday. But I thank God for the rain because I feel that he is washing away old things and new fresh starts and new beginnings are coming upon us. In this post, I wanted to share with you all some of the stigma pertaining to mental illness. Yes, there are a number of things that is currently going on within the world today. And in no way am I dismissing or diminishing what is currently going on. My prayer daily is for this world to come together and be followers of Christ. Because Jesus is coming back for his people. But I felt compelled to write about how many people are suffering in silence. Whether they are battling depression, anxiety, an eating disorder, etc. it may be hard for them to truly open up and talk about what it is that they are currently going through. Or they may play it off so well and have the people that are close to them think that they are fine and everything is good but in reality they are battling and dealing with so much.

In my brief bio, I have stated that I have a BA in Psychology and that I am currently in school online obtaining my Master's degree in Professional Counseling. With my degree, I do plan taking the state licensure exam in order to become an Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC). The field of Psychology is very personal to me. I love this field and it entails so much then what people may think or know. When it comes to mental illness there is so much stigma that surrounds it. I feel as though that this is do to lack of education or individuals having a negative perception about the topic of mental illness. When it comes to thinking of going to therapy and talking to a total and complete stranger and expressing oneself about anything that is currently going on it is mostly looked down upon in many different cultural backgrounds. That saying of what goes on in this house, stays in this house or if you want to talk to someone you can talk to an elder within the family is pretty evident in many different cultural backgrounds. So if this continues to happen then families or individuals within these families continue to suffer in silence. The way to break this vicious and dangerous cycle is to seek help or seek someone that you trust to help you. Another stigma concerning mental illness, is that individuals will never be able to succeed at certain challenges or that they can't improve their situation.

We can't be consumed with what other people may think or say when it comes to seeking therapy and getting help. Yes, it is important to have a relationship with God but there is nothing wrong with going to counseling and seeking help from a person who's role in therapy is to remain objective. Truth be told, if I wasn't in this field I would go and seek therapy because I get to be open and express myself to someone who isn't there to judge me or look at me strange because of what I've been through. There is so many things that are currently happening within the world today. Many people are going through things that we can only imagine. It is important that we reach out to our loved ones and ask them honestly, how are they really doing.

I am still learning in how to educate myself about the topic of mental illness. I feel that it is important continue to speak and educate ourselves about mental illness. There is a lot of positive things about mental illness but it tends to get overshadowed by the negativity. You never know what someone is going through, it is important to speak out and be of encouragement to others who are facing similar challenges and be a blessing to others. Because it is NOT about us, it is about being used as a vessel by God to help others. When we bless others we are blessing ourselves as well.

Be Blessed


Friday, September 5, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Thank you God for letting us see another day! Thank you God for this new day filled with new promises and new mercies. We have made it to the end of the week and thank God it's Friday! We have to trust God through the process...He is Faithful! When it comes to hard times it is only shaping and molding us into the women that we are meant to be. We have to keep pressing and moving forward during those difficult times. No matter how much we may want to give up and give in. We can't give the enemy that much power over us. We have to stand on the promises of God and his word. We will make it through and see the rewards of staying the course. Whatever you are going through right now, God is right there and he will never leave nor forsake you. Just hold on and know that your blessings are on the way! I hope you all have a great and blessed weekend!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well on this evening. The weekend is almost here!!! Just wanted to leave you all with this quote. No matter what you may be facing or going through know that it won't last forever. It is only temporary and greater things are coming. Stay prayerful and keep pressing forth. Always remember to rock your invisible crown ladies!!!!!!!!!!

Be Blessed


Monday, September 1, 2014

Goodbye August, Hello September

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well and Happy Labor Day!!! I can't believe we are in the ninth month of the year already. We only have three more months left of the year. Time is flying by so quickly. 2015 will be upon us before we know it. Thank God we have made it to see a new month and a new week. Thank God for this new beginnings. Whatever happened or didn't happened in the month before we can't take it into this month. We have to let whatever it is go and set our minds and hearts for what is to come. We have so much to look forward to and we can't let anything hinder us from what is rightfully ours. I thank God for bringing me this far, for without him I am nothing. I know that my blessing is just around the corner and I have to just stand firm in my FAITH that what he said will come to pass. This season that I am in has taught me so much and I am forever grateful and thankful for it. Whatever season that you are in, know that God is only preparing you for what is to come next. Embrace and give thanks to God for and through it all. There is still  time to accomplish whatever goals that you set out to do. A few weeks ago, at an event that I volunteered with we made vision boards. I never made one before but it was amazing to see things that I have dreamed about accomplishing right there in front of me on this board. I do plan on making another one for the new year. Set out and make a vision board for yourself and speak things into existence and pray that what you have aligns with what God has for you. Whatever has happened in your life, its not too late for you to achieve whatever goals or dreams that you have for yourself. Its not over til God says its over and every morning that we get to wake up and see another day and have breath we still have purpose. So live on purpose and enjoy life!

Be Blessed
