Tuesday, March 17, 2015

God is Awesome

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going good so far. Just wanted to share how awesome and good God is! I am beyond thankful and grateful to be able to say that a certain chapter in my life is closed. I've been dealing with so much within the past 2 1/2 years of my life and it is by his grace and mercy that it is finally finished! I know that I made mistakes and poor choices but I'm not where I should or could be! This has been the hardest, difficult, experience of my life! I didn't expect to have gone through what I went through but it was for a reason. I've experienced hurt, pain, sadness, betrayal, devastation but I've also experienced laughter, happiness, gladness. I've been high and low. there's been good times and bad times. What should have took me out, my God worked it out! In this time, I've reconnected with God and have begun the process of creating the desire to have an intimate relationship with him. I've shared in a previous post, that I knew who God was growing up but I never really knew him. I never really took the time to seek his face and rest in his presence. I never really communicated with him like I'm doing now. I was that "Lukewarm Christian" I prayed when things were going good, I went to him when I needed help, I went to church every so often, and I rarely read my Bible.

There have been many, many attacks that the enemy has thrown to throw me off course! There has been times where I wanted to give up because I couldn't see how things were going to work out. There was a time where I couldn't fix myself to write a blog post because I wasn't feeling "it". I couldn't do it because it wouldn't have been real or genuine, it would have been straight up fake if I were to have posted something during that time. And that's something that I don't want to do because I started this to be of help to others when I was going through.

My walk with him is still a journey and I believe that it will continue to be so. I believe that this situation needed to happen in order for my eyes to come open in not seeing things through rose colored glasses but as they are in reality. I needed to put my focus and attention on God and not other people or things. The person that has been through everything with me, is truly a blessing! She is and will always be dear to me not because of what she did but because of who she is. She is a mighty woman of God and I love her so much! I am beyond thankful to those individuals that God has placed in my life to be of help. They didn't have to but its amazing that people will doing something out of the kindness of their hearts and I know that God will bless them!

So I just want you all to know that no matter what you are going through, God will make a way. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you always. You just have to make the first move in speaking to him because he already knows what's happening on the inside. God will see you through. If he did it for me he can and will do it for you!!!

Be Blessed


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