Thursday, August 28, 2014

Don't Lose Focus

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! It is almost the weekend, a three day weekend at that (lol). So today I started my pre-practicum class and today was my first day working at my intern site. Today was just so out of whack, there was a water leak in the main building of where all the sessions pretty much take place and I didn't know that until after I had gotten there. It was the first time that they ever had a water leak and it caused everyone just to have an on the fly kind of day. But I didn't leave and go back home, I went to another building of where the sessions were going to be held and I was able to sit and observe in on one group counseling sessions. Being in that session was amazing and it taught me to never lose focus. I had listened to an on call prayer and bible study last night and I had issues getting through to that but I made it through after calling so many times (lol). The topic was on Division Destroys the Vision and the lady spoke on about our visions and how things that we go through or people that we know can sometimes be a distraction from our vision. Then this morning I got a devotional message and the topic was, Focus on what's most important. In this devotional message it talked about with everything that goes on in our lives we have to maintain and focus what's most important. The enemy will try and use any and every tact to get you off track and have your mind shift from one thing to another.
I was so excited this morning and looking forward to sitting in one a few group sessions, and it being my first day of interning and I know I wanted to get some hours to put down on my log sheet. So I was totally caught off guard with the building being closed because of the water leak! But thankfully, I was able to sit and observe one of the sessions and was able to have something on my log sheet for my first day! It is amazing at what tactics and distractions the enemy will try and use against you. We have to keep our eyes on God and remain focus! We have to stay prayed up at all times! Yes, things will come to deter us and get us off track but we can't give into what the enemy is trying to do. I didn't expect this day to turn out the way that it did but I learn a lesson in the midst of it. Sometimes you have to work around these distractions and not let them get to you. Just remember that no matter what may come your way, never give up and never lose focus! God will always make away!!!

Be Blessed


Monday, August 25, 2014

Own Who You Are

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! I hope you all had a great and blessed weekend! This week is an exciting one for me because I am starting my pre-practicum/practicum classes for grad school! I am very much excited but also nervous which I know is a natural feeling. So I pray that I do well and accumulate all my hours so I can graduate next Spring! I love this quote and it really speaks volumes. It is important that we remember what we've gone through and how it has shaped us into the people we are today. I didn't expect to experience what I have been through but I am thankful for the lesson and how it opened my eyes to not only other people but myself as well. It has changed me for the better and I am not bitter because of it. My outlook on a lot of things has changed and because of what I've been through I have developed a closer relationship with God. We can't be ashamed or embarrassed of the past because the challenges and struggles that we faced helped to shape and develop us into who we are today. You have a choice to let your past define you or you can embrace your past and own it. This walk is no cakewalk but the reward will be well worth it. Embrace and welcome the season that you are in because God is preparing you for what is to come. Every trial, setback, good, bad, ugly, moment that we experience should being humbling us. We have so much to be thankful for and in spite of everything we must continue to give God praise. Be thankful for where you are right now because it may be uncomfortable for the moment but it won't be for long! We all may be in different seasons of our lives, but our seasons are only shaping, molding, and developing us to where God is trying to take us! I hope you all have a blessed week!!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thank God For It All

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well!! The week is almost over and it will soon be the weekend!!! It is so important that we thank God for it all! It is so easy to thank him when everything is going well and there aren't any obstacles that are hindering us from moving forward in our walk. But what about the times when things are not so good, when things are falling apart, and when no matter what you try to do to fix or resolve the issue or problem nothing seems to work. Yes, of course there are tears of sadness, frustration, anger, hopelessness, etc. But we can't stay down in the dumps and feeling sorry for ourselves forever!! We have to praise our way through it! We have to thank God for what he has done and for what he is about to do. I have had plenty of moments of where my mindset was consumed with negativity about what was going on with my life. Thoughts of why is this happening, when will this end, and so on and so on. And that got me nowhere (lol). The mind is POWERFUL and the saying is true that the MIND IS A BATTLEFIELD! I have learned to praise and give thanks no matter what is currently going on in my life. The tests and trials that we go through are only preparing us for what is to come. This walk is not easy but the reward will be worth it. I may not know what each of you are going through but I can tell you that God is there and he will make it alright. So praise and give thanks to God through it all!

Be Blessed


Monday, August 18, 2014

Pinky Promise 2014 - Heather Lindsey "Runaway Bride"

I am so touched by hearing this message of the Runaway Bride. It was an amazing message that Heather spoke about and I made a commitment to marry God after I watched this. God is the only man that we need he will supply all of our needs but we have to commit and let go of everything that is not of him! I hope you all are blessed by this message!!! I am claiming to be in attendance next year for Pinky Promise Conference 2015!!

Be Blessed


Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all had a good and blessed weekend!!! It's Monday the start of a new week!!! I thank God for this new day filled with new promises and new mercies! Started my morning off with a 5:30 AM prayer call and it was the best and most needed prayer call!!! I thank God for that prayer call because it truly touched me and I know that everything will be just as what he said it would. I pray that you all have a good and productive week. I pray for those who have started or getting ready to start back to school have a good semester! Keep God first in all that you do and he will lead and guide you!!!!

Here is the call back number to listen to the prayer call from this morning 267-507-0255 Code 78585794

Be Blessed


Friday, August 15, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Its Friday!!!! *whoop whoop* (lol)  Love this quote!! No matter what may be going on in our lives we must continue to pray. We must continue to speak life and encouragement! We must know that everything that God said he would do will come to pass!! Hope you all have a great and blessed weekend!!!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Patience During The Process

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Its the middle of the week and I hope you all are doing well! We all go through things in life but I am constantly learning that it is how we deal with the things that we go through. Are we really waiting on God and trusting him or do we just take matters into our own hands and solve it on our own. If we solve it on our own, we more than likely will end up with a bigger situation or circumstance then what we started out with. Patience is defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, suffering, or trouble without getting angry or upset. I know I am not the only one that has been impatient or frustrated during those difficult times (lol). During the process, are we really practicing patience, developing a closer relationship with God during this time, and embracing the season that we are in or are we wanting things to happen how we want them and when we want them? We will keep experiencing the same thing over and over again until we learn the lesson that God is trying to teach us.

I was listening to this sermon on The Brook app (This app is AMAZING and you should download it). The sermon was entitled, Free To Live With My Struggle and some of the main points that stood out to me was that we all have thorns (our struggle), whatever that thorn is (struggle) what happens when God doesn't take it away? If he doesn't take it away what is our reaction to keep dealing with this thorn (struggle)? If we didn't have this thorn (struggle) would we be praying as much as we do? When dealing with our thorns (struggle) what are we speaking life or death and who are we hanging around. Are we hanging around positive and uplifting people or are we hanging around negative people who are miserable and complain all the time. In order to deal with our thorn (struggle) we must pray without ceasing. We must deal with our thorn (struggle) and overcome it. We can't become conquerors if there is no thorn (struggle). When dealing with our thorn (struggle) it is seen as something small in our lives but the more attention we pay to it the more major it becomes.

When it comes to dealing (having patience) with our thorn (struggle) we must learn to work around it or with the thorn (struggle). We must know that God's grace is sufficient and that he will protect us during our times of difficulty. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. We have to learn how to embrace the season that we are in and know that season is developing, shaping, and molding us for what is to come next. God doesn't want us to stay stuck where we are but we must learn to have patience and put action behind our faith. In order to have transformation there must be confrontation.

Be Blessed


Monday, August 11, 2014

This Book Is A Must Read

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all had a good weekend!!! I recently went to the library over the weekend to return the books that I had checked out. I had plan on just returning the books but not checking any others out. But I went on ahead and went to the section that I normally go in and I am so glad that God lead me to go see what they may have. The first book that I had seen was No More Sheets!! I picked that up off the self so fast (lol). I knew about her preaching about No More Sheets but I didn't know that there was a book as well. I haven't seen her preaching No More Sheets but will be watching it on YouTube. I started reading the book on Saturday and I finished reading it on yesterday. It is truly an amazing book to read about her personal experience and and her testimony. No More Sheets in my opinion is not about just sex but other addictions or distractions that can be in a hindrance in our walk with God. The constant battle that we face between our flesh and our spirit. The fight between the spirit and the flesh is so real and a constant fight we deal with on a daily basis. This book was the revised edition and it really dug deep in getting into the root of what is holding an individual back from reaching out beyond what has kept them in bondage and getting align with what God has in store for them. In order to get align with what God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of those sheets. I truly recommend this book to read it was so insightful and it really made an impact on me. This book is not only for women to read but men also.

Be Blessed


Friday, August 8, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

It's Friday and I hope you all had a good week! I love this image because it reminds me that its all how I look at things. We all go through things in life and at times it can weigh us down. But we have to remember that everything that we go through is preparing us for something greater. That God will always make a way out of no way. It is important that we let go of the word fear. We can't have faith in God and then have fear at the same time. It doesn't work that way. I know I've struggled with the constant battle of saying I have faith but then my emotions and feelings get the best of me and I start that cycle of worrying and fear creeps in. Thank God, I am getting rid of that False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR) and I am walking and standing on and in his word! No matter what we have to keep in mind that whatever it is that we are going through it is not as bad as it could be. Because there are people who have it worse than us. Have a great weekend!!!

Be Blessed


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Best 7 mins of My Life!!!

Looking through YouTube in search of inspirational messages and came across this spoken word!!! This left me speechless!!! It was awesome and hope it blesses you like it did me!!!!

Be Blessed


Monday, August 4, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all had a great and blessed weekend!! Thanking God for seeing another day that is filled with new promises and new mercies!!! I love this quote because it reminds me of how the situations or circumstances of life can get us down. Whether it pertains to personal or professional relationships it can take a toll on us and cause us to stress out or worry. But as we continue with our daily walk with God, it is important that we don't let anything keep us from pressing onward and moving forward. Yes, it does get hard and overwhelming but we must get back up and continue this race. No one ever said that this would be easy but in the end it will be worth it. We can't stand or get in our own way by thinking negative.We have to get our minds moving in the right direction.  We also can't let what others think, say, or do deter us from doing what God has placed within and on our hearts. So let go of whatever it is that you are holding on to and keep it moving. Today is a new day and each step you take or challenge you face is only getting you closer to your dreams, goals, and purpose. Have a great week!!!

Be Blessed
