Friday, February 27, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! I know this picture could be talking about exercising and all that it entails. But it can also resemble the many ups and downs of that we go through in our lives. We will have road blocks, dead ends, curves balls, etc. But I am learning that sometimes its not about what you are going through but how you are handling whatever the situation or circumstance. Yes, my emotions and feelings have been up and down but I continue to give God thanks and praise him for bringing me this far. We are not excluded from going through hardships. No matter how much it hurts like hell or no matter how much we don't understand what or why we are going through, we have to continue to run on. We have to continue to press and push through our ups and downs. God has a greater purpose and even if we don't see it yet, he sees something within each and everyone of us. God will get the glory, honor, and praise because without a test there is no testimony and without a mess there is no message!

Be Blessed


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! We are entering into the last weekend of this month. I hope this month brought you things that you have been praying for. Not so much in materialistic things but things such as clarity, spiritual understanding, wisdom, confirmation, growth, closeness to God, etc. No matter what may or may not have happen within this month continue to press on and reach for what God has placed on your heart to do. This has been an up and down month for me but I am thankful in the small things. I am thankful for the tears I've shed, the pain, the hurt, the disappointment, the good, bad, and ugly. I am thankful each morning I wake up and for the air that fills my lungs. Even though at times I've felt scared, fearful, doubtful, etc. God graced me with his comforting presence. He used someone to speak to me that gave me clarity on things that I thought I had let go of. I won't and can't give in into the trap of thinking that God has left me because that's what the enemy wants. I know God is with me wherever I am at. I have to continually seek him and speak boldly in what I pray to him. So as we go into the final weekend of the month, continue to have faith in God. Seek him wholeheartedly and be still long enough to hear his still small voice. Because he does speak to back to us, we just have to tune out the business and noise of our lives to hear him.

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 22, 2015

God Uses People

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope that everyone had a good weekend. We are entering into the last week of the month! March 1st will be here before we know it! Let's thank God for allowing us to see the final week of this month. Let's thank God for all that he has done for us and give thanks to him for all that he continues to do. Let's give thanks to him in advance for whatever is to come. I know I barely posted anything last week because it was hard for me to encourage you when I couldn't even encourage myself. This life we live we will face things from all different directions and we have to be on alert! The enemy will use anyone and anything that he can to entrap you and make you feel less than. I want to be transparent with what I write to you all and at times I get discouraged, I get fearful and doubtful of things that go on within my own life. I started this blog to be an uplifting, encouraging, and supportive place for all women no matter where they are in their life. Last week, I couldn't bring myself to write anything because I didn't feel it within myself and I don't want to be fake or put on a show that I have together regarding my Christian walk. I will be a constant work in progress in my walk with God. I want my foundation (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual) areas of my life to be on one accord with God. I have been praying to him to show me a sign and that I be attentive to that sign. He showed me that sign today in church and afterwards when I was having a conversation with someone.

We have to be willing to be attentive to hearing and seeing what God shows to us by who he uses to express his answers of our prayers. I was an emotional basket case on last week and I was crying like a baby. But I am thankful that I was able to get it out and tell God and I mean truly tell him how I felt about everything that was going on. Today, was a blessing straight from him and he uses people to show us things that we have been praying to him about. I'm joking but I'm serious when I keep thinking the ceiling of my room is going to break open and his voice is going to appear or the tree outside my room is going to blaze a fire and his voice is going to speak to me. I know its not going to happen but I just be thinking that sometimes (lol). Go into this week with an open heart, mind, and eyes to seeing how god uses people to be a blessing in your life!

Be Blessed


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going well so far. Just wanted to share this quote with you all in thinking positive! We all go through things within our lives and it can be extremely hard to think positive. I know all to well about trying to be prayed up and be positive about whatever is going on but then I find myself worrying, stressing, or thinking negatively about my current situation. We have to be mindful of the thoughts and the words that we speak in and through our lives. What we put out in the atmosphere is what we will get back. We have to be in constant communication with God and letting our focus be on him and not our present circumstances or things of the past that have lead to our present circumstances. God will do his part but we also have to do ours in putting our faith into action. We have to be about our fathers business and not let what is currently happening deter us from him and doing what he has called us to do. God is always with us and we will never leave us nor forsake us!

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 15, 2015

Be Encouraged

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope you all are having a great weekend! Let's thank God for allowing us to see another day and week! Let's thank God for this day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Church was amazing this morning and it was so the place that I needed to be on this morning. The word on this morning was what I needed and it gave me a new found outlook on things. No matter what's going on God is working it out and even though I may be mentally and emotionally tired. He knows that I can finish this race and he knows that with his strength I can do all things in Christ. The wonderful thing about God is that he sees where we are and how tired we are with whatever it is that we are going through. But in where we are he is preparing us, molding us, shaping us for the blessing that is to come. We just have to hold on a little while longer because once the storm we are presently in goes away, the blessing that is to come will be unimaginable!

If God is for us who can be against us! God is so loving and amazing and he only wants the best for us! Our stories and our paths may be different but God is doing a work in and through all of us so that one day we can share our testimonies. Our stories matter and our stories can be of help to someone else who is struggling to hold on. So tell the devil he can go straight back where he came from and that no weapon formed against you shall prosper. God will bring you out and he will get the glory, honor, and praise!!! Have a great and blessed week!

Be Blessed


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope you all are having a great weekend so far! Wanted to share this quote with you all in trusting the process. We have this plan of our lives and how things should go in order to achieve the things that we want to accomplish. But at times life will throw us curve balls, wrenches, etc. But it is in those times of our hardships that we never give up and keep on praying. Because our prayers never go unanswered and our tears that we shed never go unnoticed. Things in life happen for a reason and at times we may never understand those reasons. God is the author and finisher of all things within our lives. He knows every single detail that will go unfold and take place. We will get to our destination but it may not be how we plan. At times it may be hard to enjoy the journey because of all that is going on. But we have to trust the process and trust that God will work everything out in the end. We serve an awesome and wonderful God who only wants the best for us!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, February 12, 2015

This Thing Called Life

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going well and the weekend is almost here!!! This thing called life is the most crazy, beautiful, exciting, nerve-racking experience one can go through. I know in a past post I spoke on how we are going to go through hardships and difficult times in our life. I spoke on how we are not excluded from going through things just because we say we are followers and believers of Christ. Just as Jesus went through things and suffered so will we. There is something major happening within my life and it has my head spinning and just the feeling of not this again! And I know I post blogs about staying prayed up and encouraging yourself and trusting in God. But today when I was praying, I questioned why should I keep praying because everything is coming at me in full force and I don't see what I am supposed to get or understand from all of this. I questioned is this ever going to be over and I questioned why must I choose to be kind or show love to another human being when they could care less about me. When I was speaking to God, I was letting him know how I felt about things. I was being as honest and forthcoming as I could because I know that God doesn't want to hear just the good things but he wants to hear the bad, the hurt, the pain, the frustration, etc. So I let it out when I praying and I said, show me what it is that you are wanting me to see because I don't see it.

I know he's not going to answer me ASAP (lol) but I know he's listening. I know he hears me and I know my prayers are NOT going unanswered. God works on his on time and in his own way. I have to believe that the blessing that God has for me is bigger then I could ever imagine and that's why the enemy and his workers are trying to do everything they can to stop it. But I rebuke and bind it in Jesus name. I have to stand out on FAITH and cling to hope in God that everything will work itself out in the end. My faith, hope, trust, and belief is in God and I can't just say it without backing it up with actions. I am human, I am flawed, I am imperfect, person who sometimes faith waivers and I don't believe that God loves me any less then he already does. He knows me better then I know myself and he created me in his image and likeness, He knows my heart and everything that I am feeling but I have to go and seek him to find rest, peace, and comfort.

I just want you all to know that no matter what you are going through, please keep fighting and praying. Because God is doing something in each and every one of us and we are set a part for a reason! He is with us wherever we go he promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Give thanks unto God for all that he has done and all that he continues to do. For every breath we take, we still have purpose! Be encouraged and never lose your fight! Don't let what you are going through turn your heart into bitterness, resentment, anger, vengeance, evil-spirited. For God will take care of the just and the unjust.

Be Blessed


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going good so far! Just wanted to share this quote with you all to keep pushing and pressing forth with whatever it is that you want to do. There are so many challenges and obstacles that we face in and around us on a daily basis. It is so important that we never give up or give in. It doesn't matter what society says, it only matters what God says. The power of life and death lies within the tongue. Starting speaking LIFE over yourself! Whatever you speak it will come back! You can and you will achieve whatever God has placed in your heart to do. Speak daily affirmations regarding your life and keep doing them until they are embedded within your mind!!! Life is too short and we only have one life to life! Keep God first in all that you do and have faith that he will bring you through!

Be Blessed


Monday, February 9, 2015

He's Listening

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Monday!!! Hope you all are doing well! Thank God for allowing us to see another day! Thank Him for this day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Hope you all had a great start to this week and if not there is enough time for it to end well! So I wanted to share this quote with you all. I know a lot of times when we are praying to God we are hoping to hear from him within seconds after we've prayed (at least I have lol ) But that doesn't quite happen hardly ever. At times, I've felt like is God really hearing me when I speak to him?? I've felt as though the ceiling of my room was going to open and he was somehow going to speak back to me. But that hasn't happen and I'm sure it won't (lol). But as I am getting more in tune with my walk with God, I am understanding that he hears me even when I don't hear anything. God moves on his own time table, he doesn't move on yours or mine. When he knows we are ready for something, he will reveal it to us in his own way and in his on time. But when he reveals the something to us, we have to be in position to hear and receive it. We can't continue to pray and ask God about certain things and when he gives us the answer we disregard what he says because its not what we want to hear. We can't keep going to him halfheartedly and expecting him to bless us! We have to be sincere in all that we do especially when it comes to praying because he knows us better than we know ourselves. And just because he doesn't answer us right away don't mean he is denying us of what we are asking him. But that he is preparing us, shaping us, and molding us for what is to come as well as preparing what is to come for us! So don't get discouraged or dismayed when you don't hear something from God right away. Just know that whenever you call on him he's listening!

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Hope you all had a good weekend!! Let's give thanks to God for allowing us to enter into another week!! Let's give thanks to God for blessings us and seeing us through! Wanted to share this quote with you all to get the week started. No matter what obstacles (giant) we face there is a stone that can knock that obstacle (giant) down, There is currently a giant that I am facing at this moment. Yes, it is a bit unsettling and nerve racking because a lot of things can happen if this giant doesn't go well. I know I blog/write in hopes to being an encouragement to you all who take the time out to read these blog post. And I know that I have to practice what I write about as well. I know I have to encourage myself and continue to pray that God will work things out for the better. It is so important that we all stay prayed up because the enemy will come at you from any direction. He will use any tactic that he can to bring you down because the blessing that God has for you he doesn't want you to get. But the God I serve is all powerful and all knowing. He won't leave me nor forsake me. He will guide me and protect me and all I have to do is genuinely and humbly seek is face and call out his name. I pray that you all seek God stay within his will because he already knows the outcome of everything we will go through in this life. I pray that you all have a great and blessed week! I pray that you all know that nothing is too hard for the God that we serve!!!

Be Blessed


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Hello February

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Let's give God thanks for letting us see another day! This day is filled with new promises and new mercies! Thank God for allowing us to enter into the second month of the year! I pray that you all keep pushing and striving into being the person that God knows you can be. I pray that you all will continue to take time to sit at God's feet and leave all that is troubling or worrying you with him. Life is too short to be unhappy. Whatever did or didn't happen last month its okay, use the motivation to keep pressing forth to what it is that you want to achieve. People are always going to talk or have their opinion but it doesn't matter! What matters is what God says and with God all things are possible! You were created in his image and likeness he knows all about you and already knows what the future holds for you. You have to just be willing to TRUST him and TRUST in his will and plan for your life.

Be Blessed


Sunday, February 1, 2015

Take The Limits Off Of God

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Thank God for allowing us to see another day and enter into the second month of the year! Hope you all had a great and productive weekend! Wanted to share with you in how we need to take the limits off of God. So I read over the article about the woman who said she would marry herself if she didn't find love at the age of 40. Its not legal to marry yourself but her sister performed a spiritual ceremony. I was a bit taken aback by this because it appears that so many women are just settling because they aren't where they want to be or with someone that they want to be with by a certain age or certain point in their lives. Why is it that when it comes to every aspect of our lives we are just settling?  Why are we just okay with second best? Why aren't we putting our faith into action and trusting God that he will do just what he said he would? Is it because we really don't trust God? Is it because we don't think that we will be able to achieve what he knows what's in our hearts?

So why are we limiting God who can do just about anything then we could ever imagine. God can do the unthinkable, the unimaginable. and the impossible in our lives if we would take the limits off of him. We have to stop thinking small and start thinking big! It is okay for us to have plans for our lives but on this journey with him we have to be open minded with a willing heart to follow HIS plans for us. God knows us better than we know ourselves and he knows what's best for us. As a believer and follower of Christ, we are not exempt for hardships and difficult times. We all go through setbacks, disappointments, heartaches, and pain. But there comes a point where we can't let what is happening in and around us deter us from our God given purpose. We can't just come to settle with second best and think where we are is where we will stay. No, God has greater things in store for each of us!

We have to guard our hearts and our minds and combat whatever tactics the enemy uses against us. God didn't give us the spirit of fear. We have to fully trust and believe in him and put our faith into action. With God we will go through some mountaintops and some dark valleys.This journey we are taking and walking with him is not easy. But in the end he said it would be worth it. We have to start taking the limits off of God and declaring and decreeing positive, confident, bold blessings over our lives. Without God nothing is possible, but with God anything is possible!!!

Be Blessed
