Sunday, February 1, 2015

Take The Limits Off Of God

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!!! Thank God for allowing us to see another day and enter into the second month of the year! Hope you all had a great and productive weekend! Wanted to share with you in how we need to take the limits off of God. So I read over the article about the woman who said she would marry herself if she didn't find love at the age of 40. Its not legal to marry yourself but her sister performed a spiritual ceremony. I was a bit taken aback by this because it appears that so many women are just settling because they aren't where they want to be or with someone that they want to be with by a certain age or certain point in their lives. Why is it that when it comes to every aspect of our lives we are just settling?  Why are we just okay with second best? Why aren't we putting our faith into action and trusting God that he will do just what he said he would? Is it because we really don't trust God? Is it because we don't think that we will be able to achieve what he knows what's in our hearts?

So why are we limiting God who can do just about anything then we could ever imagine. God can do the unthinkable, the unimaginable. and the impossible in our lives if we would take the limits off of him. We have to stop thinking small and start thinking big! It is okay for us to have plans for our lives but on this journey with him we have to be open minded with a willing heart to follow HIS plans for us. God knows us better than we know ourselves and he knows what's best for us. As a believer and follower of Christ, we are not exempt for hardships and difficult times. We all go through setbacks, disappointments, heartaches, and pain. But there comes a point where we can't let what is happening in and around us deter us from our God given purpose. We can't just come to settle with second best and think where we are is where we will stay. No, God has greater things in store for each of us!

We have to guard our hearts and our minds and combat whatever tactics the enemy uses against us. God didn't give us the spirit of fear. We have to fully trust and believe in him and put our faith into action. With God we will go through some mountaintops and some dark valleys.This journey we are taking and walking with him is not easy. But in the end he said it would be worth it. We have to start taking the limits off of God and declaring and decreeing positive, confident, bold blessings over our lives. Without God nothing is possible, but with God anything is possible!!!

Be Blessed


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