Friday, January 2, 2015

Why Are We Waiting To Make Sacrifices For God?

Greetings and Blessings!!

I hope you all are doing well! I hope that everyone has gotten a great start off into the New Year! In this post, I wanted to share on the topic of sacrificing. One of the definitions of sacrifice means to give up (something important or valued) for the sake of other considerations. Another definition means the act of giving up something that you want to keep especially in order to get or do something else or to help someone. Of course, throughout my life I knew the definition of the word sacrifice but I never fully understood it. I knew that God made the ultimate sacrifice in dying on the cross for all of our sins. From reading my devotional from this morning and from being on a conference call on last night regarding the topic of sacrifice, I have a better understanding about the word sacrifice and its meaning. I am continuing to develop and grow a closer relationship with God and in order for me to do that I must set aside some alone/quiet time with him. Typically, when we (myself included) the first thing we do in the morning as soon as we wake up is get on social media (Facebook, IG, etc), check our emails. send/reply text messages, etc. And then we typically go about our daily routine such as showering, making/eating breakfast, getting dressed, and then heading out the door to either work, school, or to run errands for the day.

Then as the day progresses, we are combated with different personalities and situations that we didn't or weren't expecting to face as we headed out the door in the morning. We must take the time out to have some alone time with God. We must sacrifice a few minutes of the morning BEFORE we start our day to sit and be still at the feet of our FATHER. If we can get up early to do other things then we can spend at least ten or fifteen minutes of alone time with GOD. In doing so, our minds, hearts, and spirits are renewed for the day and they are strengthen in order for us to deal with whatever we face as the day goes on. We are also giving God thanks for waking us up in our right minds and thanking him for another day that he has blessed us to see.

Also, when it comes to sacrificing, we are giving up something in order to receive what God has promised. He is asking for something that we are wanting to keep. He knows that he has something better that he wants to give us but are we willing to let go of the very thing that he is asking us for? Whether it be a relationship/friendship. job, those feelings of resentment, anger, sadness, bitterness, etc. Holding on to these things doesn't do us any good and the question that comes into play is that of why are we so afraid to let go of the very thing that he is telling us to give to him? Is it the fear that we won't get anything in return? Is is the fact that we don't truly trust God?

So as you go throughout this year, ask yourself what am I willing to give up to get what God has promised? Don't do something because you feel OBLIGATED but do something because it is set on your heat to do. God only wants the best for us and just as we hold God to his word he will hold us to ours.

Be Blessed


1 comment:

  1. I read the exact same devotional this morning! This blog post hit home! I'm learning more to get up and seek God first before social media and text messages! It will change your day and it's so vital! Great post, I need to seem God and see what else I need to sacrifice. Time with him is so important to me!
