Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thank God For It All

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Hope you all are doing well!! The week is almost over and it will soon be the weekend!!! It is so important that we thank God for it all! It is so easy to thank him when everything is going well and there aren't any obstacles that are hindering us from moving forward in our walk. But what about the times when things are not so good, when things are falling apart, and when no matter what you try to do to fix or resolve the issue or problem nothing seems to work. Yes, of course there are tears of sadness, frustration, anger, hopelessness, etc. But we can't stay down in the dumps and feeling sorry for ourselves forever!! We have to praise our way through it! We have to thank God for what he has done and for what he is about to do. I have had plenty of moments of where my mindset was consumed with negativity about what was going on with my life. Thoughts of why is this happening, when will this end, and so on and so on. And that got me nowhere (lol). The mind is POWERFUL and the saying is true that the MIND IS A BATTLEFIELD! I have learned to praise and give thanks no matter what is currently going on in my life. The tests and trials that we go through are only preparing us for what is to come. This walk is not easy but the reward will be worth it. I may not know what each of you are going through but I can tell you that God is there and he will make it alright. So praise and give thanks to God through it all!

Be Blessed


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