Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Patience During The Process

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Its the middle of the week and I hope you all are doing well! We all go through things in life but I am constantly learning that it is how we deal with the things that we go through. Are we really waiting on God and trusting him or do we just take matters into our own hands and solve it on our own. If we solve it on our own, we more than likely will end up with a bigger situation or circumstance then what we started out with. Patience is defined as the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, suffering, or trouble without getting angry or upset. I know I am not the only one that has been impatient or frustrated during those difficult times (lol). During the process, are we really practicing patience, developing a closer relationship with God during this time, and embracing the season that we are in or are we wanting things to happen how we want them and when we want them? We will keep experiencing the same thing over and over again until we learn the lesson that God is trying to teach us.

I was listening to this sermon on The Brook app (This app is AMAZING and you should download it). The sermon was entitled, Free To Live With My Struggle and some of the main points that stood out to me was that we all have thorns (our struggle), whatever that thorn is (struggle) what happens when God doesn't take it away? If he doesn't take it away what is our reaction to keep dealing with this thorn (struggle)? If we didn't have this thorn (struggle) would we be praying as much as we do? When dealing with our thorns (struggle) what are we speaking life or death and who are we hanging around. Are we hanging around positive and uplifting people or are we hanging around negative people who are miserable and complain all the time. In order to deal with our thorn (struggle) we must pray without ceasing. We must deal with our thorn (struggle) and overcome it. We can't become conquerors if there is no thorn (struggle). When dealing with our thorn (struggle) it is seen as something small in our lives but the more attention we pay to it the more major it becomes.

When it comes to dealing (having patience) with our thorn (struggle) we must learn to work around it or with the thorn (struggle). We must know that God's grace is sufficient and that he will protect us during our times of difficulty. God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. We have to learn how to embrace the season that we are in and know that season is developing, shaping, and molding us for what is to come next. God doesn't want us to stay stuck where we are but we must learn to have patience and put action behind our faith. In order to have transformation there must be confrontation.

Be Blessed


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