Friday, July 11, 2014

The Six Basic Essentials

Good Morning,

So I had the idea of coming up with an basic essentials list but didn't know how long it should be (lol). So many things ran through my mind but I ended up with six basics essentials. The two most important basic essentials in life that we need to survive are food and water. But I feel that there are other things that are needed as well. And this is what I came up with.......

1. Developing A Personal Relationship With God
   Developing and having a personal relationship with God is so incredibly important in our lives. We can not survive living in this world without him. God is the source of everything. One thing I have learned is that we have to be open in genuinely wanting to have a relationship with him. God looks at our hearts and he knows our true intentions when it comes to doing and thinking things. We don't have to be "perfect" when it comes to having a relationship with him. He will meet us where we are and work within us to become the person he knows we can be. Yes, there will be obstacles that we have to face and overcome but during those tough times he is preparing, shaping, and molding us for what is to come after the storm. Being in a relationship with God is the best thing ever!

2. Being Intelligent Is Sexy
  Don't believe the hype that you have to dumb yourself down in order to be accepted or liked by people. Being intelligent is the sexist thing ever! Whether its pertaining to a certain group of people, a guy, or a position within a certain job field, DON'T play down your intelligence. Be proud of the fact that you hold special intellectual skills. It's not about showing off or appearing to be better than other people but more so of being confident of who you are and being able to hold an intelligent conversation. If they don't like you for you then you shouldn't allow them in your life.

3. Personal Hygiene 
  As young girls and young women personal hygiene is very essential. Our bodies go through many different changes and it is important that we are aware of those changes and take proper care of ourselves. Good personal hygiene is one of the most effective ways that we can protect ourselves and others from illness. When it comes to body odor, body smells are caused by a number of factors and it is important that we are aware of anything that may seem off when it comes to this. If anything seems weird go and see your doctor!! Every woman should keep at all times with her extra pads/tampons, pocket-size deodorant, feminine wipes or spray, pocket-size baby powder, body spray or perfume, hand-sanitizer, and extra pair of underwear. Whether you carry it within your purse or have a different bag for it these are essential items to have to keep fresh throughout the day. Also, hand-washing is very important. I have been in public restrooms and there have been times were people haven't washed their hands. That is very uncouth and unsanitary. Make a habit of washing your hands regularly.

4. Positive Vibes Positive People
  No one likes to be around a Debbie downer or a negative Nancy. There's only 365 days within the year (366 for leap year) and only 24 hours in a day. Yes, we all face and deal with hard times and times of feeling overwhelmed with the daily challenges of life. But we can't let those challenges get the best of us. We are allowed to break down or have a moment but we can not stay there. It is important to create positive vibes within our environment. Whether its listening to music, going for walk, reading, praying, writing, etc. We have to encourage ourselves and give God thanks for it all no matter how hard things may be. It is important to be around positive and uplifting people. Being around positive and uplifting people can be a blessing during your time of difficulty but it is important to be a blessing to others. You may not know what others are going through but by being a good listener or speaking words of encouragement it not only blesses them but it blesses you as well.

5. Follow Your Passion
  What are your goals, dreams, aspirations? What is that you're passionate about? During the many different stages of life you will go through phases of trying to find out who you are and what you want to do with your life. You may have one or several things in mind in terms of what you want to do with your life and then there are others (family, friends, etc.) who may not fully get or understand were you are coming from and have their own opinion of what they think is best for you. There is nothing wrong with others voicing their opinion but it is important that you follow your heart. If God gave you a vision then nothing else matters. No one is going to understand your vision because he didn't give it to them he gave it to you. Yes, there will obstacles and challenges along the way but you have fight your way through it. Keep a notepad or a journal and set goals for yourself short-term and long-term. It is important that you do what makes you happy and not settle for something that feels like work. If it is a career that you love and you wake up every morning excited about it then it wouldn't feel like work.

6. Have A Killer Wardrobe
  I am such a lover of fashion!!!! I don't believe that you have spend a whole lot of money to look good. But hey everyone is different and to each its own. Some of my favorite stores to shop at would be Forever 21, Ross, WetSeal Plus, and Consignment shops. These are just a few of my favorite stores but I have also have seen beautiful, comfortable, and affordable clothes from Fashion to figure, Ashley Stewart, and G Stage just to name a few. I love wearing big purses (can fit any and everything in there lol), rings, earrings, and necklaces. Shoes are a girl's best friend and I love my wedges and sandals. I'm a sucker for a good pair of jeans and since its summer time maxi dresses and dresses are my favorite things to wear! Wearing what you love and wearing it with confidence is the best feeling ever. I don't believe that we should bare all or show everything that God has blessed us with! But keeping it simple, classy, and leaving some things left to the imagination is the way to go in my opinion.

This was just some of the things that I felt that were essential and I like I said there were so many things that ran through my mind so I may do another basic essential list (lol)

Be Blessed


1 comment:

  1. I love this post! This is of great importance and are in fact essentials..
