Monday, December 29, 2014

Goodbye 2014

Greetings and Blessings!!

The time has come for us to say goodbye to the year that was 2014! The year that was consumed with laughter,  happiness, pain, sorrow, tears, joy, road bumps. many highs and many lows. The year that has taught me so much not only about people but about myself. The past year and a half of my life has been a roll-a-coaster I would say. I never expected or anticipated to have gone through what I have but going through it has opened my eyes in seeing what I needed to see and shifted my focus back on God. I do not regret what has taken place in my life because then I wouldn't be appreciative of the lesson that I needed to learn. I have come to realize that I am much stronger than I think I am and I know more than I think I do. There are no coincidences in life, everything happens the way it is supposed to happen.

I am saying goodbye to the fact that I did not always see myself as valuable or knowing my sense of self-worth. I did have low self-esteem about myself or thought that I wasn't good enough or pretty enough. We all suffer from some form of insecurity about ourselves. Society says, if you don't conform to this or that then you aren't valuable, worthy, or you won't get ahead in life. So I am saying to society that you can KICK ROCKS with your conformity!!! My value and self-worth doesn't come from you but from GOD! I was created in his image and likeness.  I am flawed, imperfect, reserved, soft-spoken, kind-hearted, fun-loving, humble, gentle-spirit, God-fearing woman.

I am saying goodbye to generational curses and letting go of things such as people, past hurts, disappointments, etc. One can not go into the New Year with unresolved issues of the past, unforgiveness in one's heart, bitterness, resentment, etc. Whatever feelings (and I had a lot of them) that I've had within this year about things and people I took it to God and I'm leaving it there. Saying goodbye to things that aren't relevant to me anymore and leaving right where it belongs in the PAST!

I am saying goodbye to this year with my head held high and walking into the New Year with a new outlook on life. I thank God for this year because this year was about the LESSONS that I needed to learn that has prepared me for what is coming next. This year was preparation, molding, and shaping me into the woman that God knows I can be. This year was filled with highs and lows but I am still STANDING! I am evolving and will continue to do so as I progress in this life.

So I ask you all what are YOU saying goodbye to in 2014?? I hope and pray that you all take some time to reflect on things from this year and not let anything that did or didn't happen in this year keep you in a rut. The mind is a very powerful tool, keep your mind on things above not earthly things. Keep your focus and know who you are in Christ!

Be Blessed


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