Friday, September 19, 2014

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! Thank God it's Friday and the weekend is finally here!!! I hope you all had a great and productive week. If things didn't go as you'd hope it is okay you have another chance and another opportunity for things to come together. I wanted to share this quote with you all and it is something that we should all say to ourselves! You are worth it! No matter what has happened in your life, you are worth it! No matter what people may say, think, or do you are worth it! You are worth so much more and you deserve everything that God has for you. You have to start believing that you are worthy of what God has planned for you. Yes, we all have a past but that past doesn't define who you are. You have to forgive yourself for the mistakes that you made and you can't let the opinions of others confine you into a box. It doesn't matter what they say all that matters is what God says!!! You are Fearfully and Wonderfully made!!! You are precious in his sight and he loves you and he only wants the best for you!! So start saying and believing that you are worth it and God will do great things in your life. You've come too far to settle for anything less than what God has for you!

Be Blessed


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