Greetings and Blessings!!!
Hope you all are doing well! Hope everyone's week is going well and the weekend is almost here!!! This thing called life is the most crazy, beautiful, exciting, nerve-racking experience one can go through. I know in a past post I spoke on how we are going to go through hardships and difficult times in our life. I spoke on how we are not excluded from going through things just because we say we are followers and believers of Christ. Just as Jesus went through things and suffered so will we. There is something major happening within my life and it has my head spinning and just the feeling of not this again! And I know I post blogs about staying prayed up and encouraging yourself and trusting in God. But today when I was praying, I questioned why should I keep praying because everything is coming at me in full force and I don't see what I am supposed to get or understand from all of this. I questioned is this ever going to be over and I questioned why must I choose to be kind or show love to another human being when they could care less about me. When I was speaking to God, I was letting him know how I felt about things. I was being as honest and forthcoming as I could because I know that God doesn't want to hear just the good things but he wants to hear the bad, the hurt, the pain, the frustration, etc. So I let it out when I praying and I said, show me what it is that you are wanting me to see because I don't see it.
I know he's not going to answer me ASAP (lol) but I know he's listening. I know he hears me and I know my prayers are NOT going unanswered. God works on his on time and in his own way. I have to believe that the blessing that God has for me is bigger then I could ever imagine and that's why the enemy and his workers are trying to do everything they can to stop it. But I rebuke and bind it in Jesus name. I have to stand out on FAITH and cling to hope in God that everything will work itself out in the end. My faith, hope, trust, and belief is in God and I can't just say it without backing it up with actions. I am human, I am flawed, I am imperfect, person who sometimes faith waivers and I don't believe that God loves me any less then he already does. He knows me better then I know myself and he created me in his image and likeness, He knows my heart and everything that I am feeling but I have to go and seek him to find rest, peace, and comfort.
I just want you all to know that no matter what you are going through, please keep fighting and praying. Because God is doing something in each and every one of us and we are set a part for a reason! He is with us wherever we go he promised to never leave us nor forsake us. Give thanks unto God for all that he has done and all that he continues to do. For every breath we take, we still have purpose! Be encouraged and never lose your fight! Don't let what you are going through turn your heart into bitterness, resentment, anger, vengeance, evil-spirited. For God will take care of the just and the unjust.
Be Blessed
I know exactly how you feel. I'm currently in this same postion now! thanks for the encouragement.. and you too be encouraged.. Keep praying! don't stop!