Monday, February 9, 2015

He's Listening

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Monday!!! Hope you all are doing well! Thank God for allowing us to see another day! Thank Him for this day that is filled with new promises and new mercies. Hope you all had a great start to this week and if not there is enough time for it to end well! So I wanted to share this quote with you all. I know a lot of times when we are praying to God we are hoping to hear from him within seconds after we've prayed (at least I have lol ) But that doesn't quite happen hardly ever. At times, I've felt like is God really hearing me when I speak to him?? I've felt as though the ceiling of my room was going to open and he was somehow going to speak back to me. But that hasn't happen and I'm sure it won't (lol). But as I am getting more in tune with my walk with God, I am understanding that he hears me even when I don't hear anything. God moves on his own time table, he doesn't move on yours or mine. When he knows we are ready for something, he will reveal it to us in his own way and in his on time. But when he reveals the something to us, we have to be in position to hear and receive it. We can't continue to pray and ask God about certain things and when he gives us the answer we disregard what he says because its not what we want to hear. We can't keep going to him halfheartedly and expecting him to bless us! We have to be sincere in all that we do especially when it comes to praying because he knows us better than we know ourselves. And just because he doesn't answer us right away don't mean he is denying us of what we are asking him. But that he is preparing us, shaping us, and molding us for what is to come as well as preparing what is to come for us! So don't get discouraged or dismayed when you don't hear something from God right away. Just know that whenever you call on him he's listening!

Be Blessed


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