Greetings and Blessings!!!
Happy Sunday!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope that everyone had a good weekend. We are entering into the last week of the month! March 1st will be here before we know it! Let's thank God for allowing us to see the final week of this month. Let's thank God for all that he has done for us and give thanks to him for all that he continues to do. Let's give thanks to him in advance for whatever is to come. I know I barely posted anything last week because it was hard for me to encourage you when I couldn't even encourage myself. This life we live we will face things from all different directions and we have to be on alert! The enemy will use anyone and anything that he can to entrap you and make you feel less than. I want to be transparent with what I write to you all and at times I get discouraged, I get fearful and doubtful of things that go on within my own life. I started this blog to be an uplifting, encouraging, and supportive place for all women no matter where they are in their life. Last week, I couldn't bring myself to write anything because I didn't feel it within myself and I don't want to be fake or put on a show that I have together regarding my Christian walk. I will be a constant work in progress in my walk with God. I want my foundation (mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual) areas of my life to be on one accord with God. I have been praying to him to show me a sign and that I be attentive to that sign. He showed me that sign today in church and afterwards when I was having a conversation with someone.
We have to be willing to be attentive to hearing and seeing what God shows to us by who he uses to express his answers of our prayers. I was an emotional basket case on last week and I was crying like a baby. But I am thankful that I was able to get it out and tell God and I mean truly tell him how I felt about everything that was going on. Today, was a blessing straight from him and he uses people to show us things that we have been praying to him about. I'm joking but I'm serious when I keep thinking the ceiling of my room is going to break open and his voice is going to appear or the tree outside my room is going to blaze a fire and his voice is going to speak to me. I know its not going to happen but I just be thinking that sometimes (lol). Go into this week with an open heart, mind, and eyes to seeing how god uses people to be a blessing in your life!
Be Blessed
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