Monday, January 5, 2015

Stay Prayed Up

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope that everyone had a great start to this week! Just wanted to share in how important it is for us to keep our minds stayed on God at all times. I had a pretty good day but a phone call I had gotten totally took me by surprise and kinda messed with my mood. I went from being in a pleasant mood to being annoyed a frustrated with what I was being told. And immediately mind my was gearing towards just negative thoughts and worrying was creeping in. As soon as I got home, I went into my quite time and I wrote in my journal about how I was feeling and then I read some scriptures in my Bible and then I prayed. I felt so good after I got done with my quiet time and then I saw this

The enemy will use any and every thing to distract you from praying and spending time with God. He will use any tatic he can to seen you off in another direction. It is so important that we stay prayed up at all times. We have to keep our minds, hearts on guard at all times. Because the enemy knows our weak spots he knows what will send us over the edge. But we serve an awesome and mighty God that will never leave us nor forsake us. All things are possible through him we just have to seek him wholeheartedly. No matter what comes your way, pray your way through it!

Be Blessed


1 comment:

  1. This is so true! and I love Kim Pothier, she is on point!
