Greetings and Blessings!!!
I pray that you all are doing well! The weekend is almost here and I hope everyone's week is going great thus far! In this post, I wanted to share with you everyone's most favorite place their comfort zones. By definition, Comfort zones have the meaning of a behavioral state within which a person operates in a anxiety-neutral condition, using a limited set of behaviors to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk. When it comes to comfort zones we ALL have them. Comfort zones can be seen as a sense of security for most if not all people. Comfort zones can be a good thing to have but if one never steps outside of their box one can't truly maximize their fullest potential.
I have never in a million years thought I would be doing something such as blogging!!! This is completely out of my comfort zone for someone who is slightly reserved with a combination of introvert/extrovert. But I felt within my spirit that this was something I was meant to do. I have always had a love for writing. Even though I sometimes have a hard time verbally expressing myself, I can write for days on end in my journal about anything. So I prayed about it and talked to some of those closet to me about it and they gave me the encouragement that I needed. And this is how I was able to step outside of my comfort zone. I felt so scared when I was writing my very post but I am beyond thankful to God for using me to be a blessing to others through this blog! I always ask God, how can I be used as a vessel to be a blessing to others. I believe he spoke to me within my spirit leading me to do this. Because writing these posts, it isn't about me but about HIM!!! I was going through a really tough time and instead of me dwelling and becoming depressed, God lead me to do this so that I can share with you all my truths, struggles, joy, sadness, encourage, etc.
Comfort zones are a great thing to have but you will never see what you can do and see what you are really made of if you never step outside of your box! I want to encourage you all to push past that tunnel vision thinking and do something that is opposite of what you are used to doing. Stop being predictable! If there is something that you have always wanted to try, do it! Stop letting life pass you by and start living it! Life is too short not to enjoy it! Keep God first in all that you do and seek him if there is something on your heart or mind.
Be Blessed
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