Sunday, October 19, 2014

Attitude Of Gratitude

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday everyone!! I hope you all are doing well! I hope you all had a great and  blessed weekend. Thank God for allowing us to make it to see another week. We have just one more week left to go then we will be in the month of November!! In this post I wanted share with you all in how showing an attitude of gratitude is important during our personal walks in this life. In this life, we can and we will experience some unpleasant, uncomfortable, and difficult situations and/or circumstances. And it is in those difficult times our attitudes can either be positive or negative. We can either let what we are going through define us or we can make the most of the situation in working around the obstacle and looking at it from a different perspective. Yes, we will have our moments of being down and feeling overwhelmed and may be even the feeling of being defeated. But we have a choice to either be happy or miserable.

Whatever you are going through, there is always a way to turn it around for the better. It all begins with YOU. Each day YOU are given another chance and a choice about how you are going to live that day. You have the choice to either be GRATEFUL for what you have and make the most of it, or you can make the choice of dwelling in DESPAIR and allow it to pull you into this belief that whatever you are hoping or wanting to happen just won't or can't.

But it is important to know and to remember that even on the WORST days there is always something to be thankful for. When it comes to gratitude, you are focusing on the good within your life even if things aren't going that great. Life will always have its ups and downs, but there is something that we can always be appreciative of or show our support in being there for others in their time of need. One thing I have learn about this season that I am in, is that it is not about me but about God and letting him use me to be a blessing to others. The greatest test that we all experience is being able to be there for others and be a blessing to someone while we are in the midst of a storm.

So what are you GRATEFUL for? How can YOU show an attitude of gratitude? Will you chose to be HAPPY in spite of or will you choose to be MISERABLE?

Always remember, that the more you focus on the GOOD, the more GOOD will come into your life.

Be Blessed


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