Sunday, September 28, 2014

Seasons Changing

Greetings and Blessings!!!

I hope you all are doing well! I hope you all had a great and blessed weekend. It is the start of a new week and we are now entering into the tenth month of the year! The months are going by so quickly and by the Grace of God we all will be ringing in the New Year! The Summer season has ended and we have welcomed in the Fall season. For most of the country, the cool weather has already come about and everyone is pulling out their Winter/Fall clothes for the season. I personally love this time of year, Fall is my favorite season!! But just as the seasons are changing weather wise the seasons are changing within our own personal lives. We are all in different seasons of our lives and the seasons that we are in are meant to be shaping, molding, and preparing us for the next season. This season that I am in personally has been a eye opener and a learning experience. I have learned that my focus and attention were on other things and not on God where it needed to be. I came to realize that even though I knew God and went to church every now and then, I didn't really know him let talking about it.

I didn't have that personal connection and relationship with him that I had with everyone and everything else in my life. I was a lukewarm Christian. I prayed every so often, I rarely read my Bible, I went to church when I wanted, and I didn't communicate with God like I communicated with other people. I talked to him when I was in need of help but that was about it. I thought I knew who I was and I thought I had everything together but boy I was wrong (lol)! This season has been full of ups and downs, highs and lows, disappointments, hurt, anger, betrayal, hopelessness, etc. I never thought I would experience something like this in my life but I am so thankful that I did. I did question why me but then I turned it around and said a thank you to God for it being me. I understand and realize more then ever now that I had to go through what I went through in order to get into alignment with God and his word and his plans. Because I know I turned my back on God and let his hand go. It hasn't been easy and yes the enemy and his little workers had their plans, schemes, plots on attacking me throughout this whole season but God showed up and came right on time. It was by his grace and mercy that I am still here and still standing. I know that I am coming out and not going through anymore. This season was preparation for what is to come!!!

I don't know what any of you have been going through this past year. I may not understand your situation or circumstance but I can empathize with you. I understand what it feels like to be hurt, feelings of sadness, feelings of hopelessness, feelings of despair. But I am here to tell and share with you that everything that you have gone through has not been in vain. There is a purpose for your pain! You really have to praise your way through your situation or circumstance. Yes, there will be times where you want to give up and give in but that's what the enemy wants and you can't do that. No matter how hard and how tired you may be you have to keep pressing your way through. Because the season you are in will not be forever. The season you are in will change but you have to go through the process in order to be transformed into the person that God knows that you can be. There is no skipping ahead you have to go through and press your way through your journey.

I pray that you all keep pressing and keep pushing forward. Tell the enemy to go take a hike somewhere because you won't be the same person you were coming into this season. You will be a better, stronger, wiser, whole, and complete individual. I pray that you all have a blessed and great week!!!

Be Blessed


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