Thursday, August 28, 2014

Don't Lose Focus

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well! It is almost the weekend, a three day weekend at that (lol). So today I started my pre-practicum class and today was my first day working at my intern site. Today was just so out of whack, there was a water leak in the main building of where all the sessions pretty much take place and I didn't know that until after I had gotten there. It was the first time that they ever had a water leak and it caused everyone just to have an on the fly kind of day. But I didn't leave and go back home, I went to another building of where the sessions were going to be held and I was able to sit and observe in on one group counseling sessions. Being in that session was amazing and it taught me to never lose focus. I had listened to an on call prayer and bible study last night and I had issues getting through to that but I made it through after calling so many times (lol). The topic was on Division Destroys the Vision and the lady spoke on about our visions and how things that we go through or people that we know can sometimes be a distraction from our vision. Then this morning I got a devotional message and the topic was, Focus on what's most important. In this devotional message it talked about with everything that goes on in our lives we have to maintain and focus what's most important. The enemy will try and use any and every tact to get you off track and have your mind shift from one thing to another.
I was so excited this morning and looking forward to sitting in one a few group sessions, and it being my first day of interning and I know I wanted to get some hours to put down on my log sheet. So I was totally caught off guard with the building being closed because of the water leak! But thankfully, I was able to sit and observe one of the sessions and was able to have something on my log sheet for my first day! It is amazing at what tactics and distractions the enemy will try and use against you. We have to keep our eyes on God and remain focus! We have to stay prayed up at all times! Yes, things will come to deter us and get us off track but we can't give into what the enemy is trying to do. I didn't expect this day to turn out the way that it did but I learn a lesson in the midst of it. Sometimes you have to work around these distractions and not let them get to you. Just remember that no matter what may come your way, never give up and never lose focus! God will always make away!!!

Be Blessed


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