Sunday, March 29, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well on this last weekend of the month of March. I hope that you all are still working towards whatever goals that you have set out for yourselves. If something didn't happen within this month don't stress or worry over it because you can continue working towards those goals as the months progress on. Just wanted to share this quote with you all as we close out the month of March and head into the fourth month of the year. Growth and change are probably the most difficult and painful things that we will go through in our lives. We all have our comfort zones or our safe place where we feel secure and comfortable. But if we stay there we will never get the chance or opportunity to experience something new or different. Nothing happens if ones stays in their comfort zones. So I not only challenge myself but you all as well to do something out of your comfort zone. Take a chance to do something out of the ordinary and if you don't like it its okay at least you gave it a try. So I hope you all have a blessed and productive week.

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well. We are entering into final weeks of the month!! This month has seemed to flown by and before we know it April 1st will be here! Wanted to share this quote with you as we begin for work or school this upcoming week. This journey that we are on is not the easiest. We will have many obstacles and hardships to face within our Christian walk. I can truthfully say that I am constantly growing and learning in my walk with God. It would be so easy just to follow the world and be and do like society says. But that's not what my heart desires, I want to be like Christ and be Christ minded. Everything that we are currently facing is only preparing and equipping us for what God already has in store for us. It is a spiritual warfare out in this world, we are up against different spirits as soon as we walk out that door in the mornings. It is important to get into the Word of God and ask him how to apply what you read to your life. Our journey will take us on different paths but we will end up at where God is leading us towards. We just have to trust him, have faith and cling to hope that everything will be alright in the end even if we don't know how. I hope you all have a great and blessed week, keep God first in all that you do!!

Be Blessed


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. I've always loved this quote and just wanted to share it with you all. This thing called life has many ups and downs, good times and bad times, joys and pains. This thing called life is not a straight and narrow path. This thing called life has many different paths/courses that one will go through that will lead you to your destination. This thing called life will make you question if you will ever make it. This thing called life will have your head spinning and mind racing at 100 miles an hour at times. But with this thing called life there is a man name Jesus, who will wipe the tears away and who will be there to catch you when you stumble or fail. He will be there to hold you by your right hand to guide you or carry you through. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be your friend, healer, comforter, protector, provider. With him you are always on a journey and he will never lead you in the wrong direction. Because he already knows what lies ahead and whatever you are going through is only preparing you for whatever he is about to bless you with. No matter how hard it seems, don't quit or give up for your blessing is just around the corner!!

Be Blessed


Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome Spring

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!! Spring is in the air!!!!!!!!!!!! The Winter season is over and it is officially Spring! Let's thank God for waking us up this morning in our right minds! Let's give God thanks for allowing us to see yet another day! Let's give God thanks for his Grace and Mercy for bringing us through! Let's give God thanks for all that he has done and all that he continues to do! Time to do away with old things and welcome in new things! Time to close the chapter on things that are leaving you dry and depleted. It's time for some spring cleaning of getting rid of things that aren't adding positive value to your life. It's time for us to change our mindsets and start thinking more positively, more boldly. God has so much in store for us but we have to be willing to take that first step in giving him what he is telling us to let go of. There's new places, new people, new opportunities, new chances, etc. for us to see but we can't see those things if we are constantly holding on to old things that are no longer good for us. I pray that you all take the time to do some Spring Cleaning inventory to clean out what's not helpful to you in order to grow into the person that you are asking God to help you become. Because I will be doing the same! Hope you all enjoy your weekend!!!

Be Blessed


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going good so far. Just wanted to share this quote with you all. It is important for us to know and remember that broken crayons still color and that every picture comes out beautiful. God can still use us to bring him glory, honor, and praise. He can still use us to fulfill his purpose for our lives. No matter how we may see ourselves and no matter what we feel that we may be lacking in comparison to others. God can and will use us with our imperfections, flaws. insecurities. to complete his perfect will. God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts and his ways are higher than ours. What we see as inadequacy he sees as a chance to build and strengthen a skill that is already instilled within us. God has blessed all of us with unique talents, skills, and abilities and we have to seek and ask him to help us dig out all these wonderful gifts that he has placed within us so that we can be of help to others. No matter what you have gone through or is currently going through, just know that broken crayons still color. God has the final say, trust and believe in his word.

Be Blessed


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

God is Awesome

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going good so far. Just wanted to share how awesome and good God is! I am beyond thankful and grateful to be able to say that a certain chapter in my life is closed. I've been dealing with so much within the past 2 1/2 years of my life and it is by his grace and mercy that it is finally finished! I know that I made mistakes and poor choices but I'm not where I should or could be! This has been the hardest, difficult, experience of my life! I didn't expect to have gone through what I went through but it was for a reason. I've experienced hurt, pain, sadness, betrayal, devastation but I've also experienced laughter, happiness, gladness. I've been high and low. there's been good times and bad times. What should have took me out, my God worked it out! In this time, I've reconnected with God and have begun the process of creating the desire to have an intimate relationship with him. I've shared in a previous post, that I knew who God was growing up but I never really knew him. I never really took the time to seek his face and rest in his presence. I never really communicated with him like I'm doing now. I was that "Lukewarm Christian" I prayed when things were going good, I went to him when I needed help, I went to church every so often, and I rarely read my Bible.

There have been many, many attacks that the enemy has thrown to throw me off course! There has been times where I wanted to give up because I couldn't see how things were going to work out. There was a time where I couldn't fix myself to write a blog post because I wasn't feeling "it". I couldn't do it because it wouldn't have been real or genuine, it would have been straight up fake if I were to have posted something during that time. And that's something that I don't want to do because I started this to be of help to others when I was going through.

My walk with him is still a journey and I believe that it will continue to be so. I believe that this situation needed to happen in order for my eyes to come open in not seeing things through rose colored glasses but as they are in reality. I needed to put my focus and attention on God and not other people or things. The person that has been through everything with me, is truly a blessing! She is and will always be dear to me not because of what she did but because of who she is. She is a mighty woman of God and I love her so much! I am beyond thankful to those individuals that God has placed in my life to be of help. They didn't have to but its amazing that people will doing something out of the kindness of their hearts and I know that God will bless them!

So I just want you all to know that no matter what you are going through, God will make a way. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will be with you always. You just have to make the first move in speaking to him because he already knows what's happening on the inside. God will see you through. If he did it for me he can and will do it for you!!!

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 15, 2015


Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Sunday Everyone!! Hope you all are doing well. Let's thank God for allowing us to enter into another week. Let's be thankful to him for allowing us to see another day. Let's thank him for his grace and mercy for bringing us through! Let's thank him for this new day that is filled with new promises and new mercies.  I came across this quote and wanted to share it with you all. I know that when I am weak God gives me the strength to endure and carry on. I know that he won't give me nothing that I can't handle. But I know for me at times, I struggle with realizing that I am much stronger than I think I am. At times, I think how can God trust me so much to continue on with all that is happening within my life. As I posted before in previous posts, we are not excluded from going through hardships and difficult circumstances just because we are Christians. But in those times, it can be hard to find the endurance to press on. Also, you can get the feeling of being alone in whatever you are going through.

In my walk with God. I am constantly learning that everything that I go through is for his divine purpose and plan. He is pruning, molding and shaping me into the woman of God that he knows I can be. I am learning that God will be there with me no matter what comes my way. Yes, these past few weeks my mood has been kind of somber. I was going through the motions of things and I felt such a disconnection from him because I wasn't spending time with him like I was before. I was reading my daily devotions and reading my Bible plan but I wasn't feeling it because it was being done out of obligation. I felt a heavy burden that was laying on my shoulders and it was dragging me down.

I was able to talk to a spiritual mentor regarding how I was feeling spiritually. In talking to her, I got back to the core of why I wanted to have a relationship with God in the first place. I got back to being committed in trusting God. Yes, at time my faith has wavered, I am human and imperfect. Granted, God already knows how I was feeling he wanted me to come to him and tell him all that I was feeling. In leaving from talking to her, I felt this weight lifted off of me and my mood was lighter then ever before. God uses people to be a blessing/of help to others and I felt that day he used the spiritual mentor in helping me get back on track.

You have the strength to endure whatever comes your way. You have the strength to carry out what God has for you. God will never give you no more than you can handle. He will use people to be of help but we must be attentive to how he answers your prayers. You have a calling on your life. God has set you apart and he has called you out. Yes, at times it will feel as though life has knocked you down. But always remember Philippians 4:13 says, "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengths me".

Be Blessed


Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Friday!

Greetings and Blessings!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!! Hope you all are doing well and hope you all had a great week! I know I haven't posted since last week but that's going to change! Get out and do something, life is too short not to enjoy it! We only have a few more weeks left in this month and there is still time for you to set goals and accomplish them. No matter what may come your way, keep pushing, keep praying, keeping, striving. Keep God first in all that you do and he will direct your steps. So I hope you all have a great and blessed weekend!

Be Blessed


Monday, March 2, 2015

Quote Of The Day

Greetings and Blessings!!

Hope you all are doing well. Hope everyone's week is going well so far. Just wanted to share this awesome posting with you all. It is so important that we get connected with God and spend time with him. Whether its five minutes or fifty minutes spend time with him because he wants to hear from you. He already knows what's going on within and around us but we have to seek him and do it wholeheartedly. No matter how many times we may fall or stumble her loves us and he will never leave us nor forsake us!! So I pray that this blesses you and hope you all continue to have a great week!!

Be Blessed


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Welcome March

Greetings and Blessings!!

Happy Sunday!!!! It is the first day of the month of March and Spring time is almost here!! Let's thank God for allowing us to enter into the third month of the year. Let's thank God for all that he's done and for bringing us this far. Even though my favorite season is Winter/Fall, I love Spring time where the weather is beautiful and the flowers are blooming! (My favorite flowers are Tulips) It is that time where the seasons are changing. Some if not most of us will be rearranging our closets and pushing/putting away our winter clothing and pulling out our spring attire. As the seasons change when it comes to the weather so does the seasons change within our lives. No matter how much I love the winter/fall season and the clothing that I wear, I can't stay in that season forever! Whatever current season you are in you will not stay there forever.

We are all in different walks in our lives and as I continue to develop a closer relationship with God, I pray that you all are pursuing the same. No matter how much you want to give up or give in don't! Keep pushing and pressing forth because there is something greater within you that God is trying to birth out of you! So continue to write down those goals that you want to accomplish but continue to put them into action. Saying we want to do this or that is one thing but its a different ball game once we put action behind words. I know for me one of my goals is that I want to get back to working out again. I was doing well and then I fall off (lol) but its time for me to start back up again and push through. Besides the fact of me wanting to lose weight I want to feel better and have more energy.

So shake off and let go off what didn't happen within the first two months of the year! Continue to keep God first and seek him in all that you do! Know that you matter and that you have purpose. Know that you are valuable, worthy, and loved. Know that your season will change be content with where you are but don't become complacent. God has great things in store for each and every one of us! Praying that you all have a great and blessed week!!

Be Blessed
